The Best Part About This System Is That It Can Be Taught To The Masses. It Works For Wrestlers Chasing National Titles, State Titles and First Year Wrestlers.
Let’s face it, Coach Gable can bring out the best in wrestlers just by his mere presence in the mat room.
But most wrestlers will never get the chance to be coached by the greatest wrestler of all time…
And better yet this Gable Coached NCAA Champion has over 13 years experience coaching high school wrestling so he understands what high school wrestlers need and how to break it down to them!
To say he knows the secrets to Coach Gable’s success is an understatement. He walked the walk for 4 years under Coach Gable. Hour after hour, day after day, month after month, year after year. As a high school coach he has used those secrets to produce high school state team titles, individual state titles and individual national titles.
Coach Weber has taken the techniques and strategies behind Coach Gable’s no stalling, in-your-face, break your opponent style and applied them to his high school system of wrestling. A wrestling practice with Coach Gable is all business and Coach Weber uses techniques that allow wrestlers of all levels to implement The Gable Style.
Steve is former World Class Powerlifter and has bench pressed 500lbs at 189lbs of body weight. Steve has become THE #1 resource for high school wrestlers wanting to build strength. His training methods and ideas have shaken up the amateur wrestling world! Although some of his methods fly in the face of conventional wisdom, his results speak for themselves… he has consulted /trained hundreds of wrestlers and MMA fighters to perform better than ever.
Steve has been a featured writer for Wrestling USA magazine, Powerlifting USA magazine, and is an Expert Author with He has also been a featured interviewee on Takedown Radio.
Steve and Daryl have combine their knowledge to offer a Gold Medal Blueprint to success for wrestlers and coaches. Apply their training tactics and have 100% confidence you are using methods with PROVEN SUCCESS!
You’ll get over 20 hours of instructional videos. You’ll also get the closely guarded strength training system that will unleash your hidden strength and power on the wrestling mat.
“Greetings from your home state of Iowa Daryl. Great presentation. Technique broken down into simple segments. That’s what great teachers do!”
For a limited time when you order The Complete Pre-Season Package you will also receive the bonuses below.
This book will show you how to have your mind and body ready to compete every match. If you have ever lost a match due to nerves, lack of confidence or taking a back seat to an opponent you need to read this. This ebook contains worksheets to help you map out your best match day routine and deal with negative thoughts that may be holding you back.
This is designed for wrestlers who want to wrestle at their own bodyweight and realize the importance of letting your body growth bigger and stronger naturally. There are 3 phases of training in this unique program. You’ll allow your body to gain functionallystrong muscle and size because you do just enough exercise to stimulate muscle growth, followed by proper rest. Your complete system for building yourself into a beast on the wrestling mat… or on the beach.
One of the most powerful and unique training systems for wrestlers ever created. An 8 week program consisting of 24 exercises, to be done on a 4 day per week training split. Performed this program 2 times throughout the year and experience awesome results.
Let’s face it, wrestling nutrition is completely misunderstood. I’ve seen wrestling nutrition range from total starvation for guys who are desperately trying to make weight to living on dangerous energy drinks (more on that later), to a complete weekly binge and purge of food. I’ve seen borderline eating disorders brought on by the constant stress of making weight. I’ve watched young, healthy, strong young athletes diminish in size (during important years of growth and development) and begin walking around like complete zombies with sunken, dark eyes and pale skin. It’s not pretty… and it’s flat-out dangerous. Learn to do it the right way with Steve’s Wrestling Nutrition Blueprint.
This a body weight training blueprint for wrestlers. These exercises can be done with just your bodyweight or a training partner. You’ll gain the strength advantage for wrestling by following this scientifically-sound approach to total wrestling performance. The workouts are broken down into Offseason, Preseason and Inseason training for best results. This is a completely unique approach to building mat dominance.
Listen: I don’t care if it’s one hour from now, or 3 weeks from now – if you ain’t happy, I ain’t happy.
Purchase right now. Try it out. If you like it, great! We exchanged a small amount of money for a large amount of value. Awesome!
Just ask for it – and it will be returned promptly and quietly to you. Plus, we can still be friends.
For a limited time you will receive all of the above in the Complete Pre-Season Wrestling Package for a discounted price of $297.00
“Coach, my kids were so fired up after watching the Ultimate Front Headlock video, they went right to the mat. They have spent an hour each morning drilling the technique. Nothing short of outstanding could make them do that on a holiday weekend. Thanks Daryl, this is why you’re the best. See you this summer at camp.”
Your Granby Defense Series is a must for any top level program. By following your simple guide, the Granby System can be neutralized. I appreciate you continuing to put out these highly pertinent instructional videos. Again, you are spot on!
Pre Season Training Package
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