Monday, July 21, 2014

How To Be Handsome - The Handsome Factor: Appearance Transformation System Download

Ever since you were a little kid, people have probably been telling you that "looks don’t matter."

They’ve told you that regardless of your appearance, you can still be happy with yourself… that your looks have nothing to do with confidence or success.

Countless scientific studies have shown that your physical appearance has a massive impact on all areas of your life.

Of course, that also means that unnattractive and sometimes even "average" looking people are at a distinct disadvantage in all of these areas.

It’s a subconscious trait that we’ve inherited from our ancestors, after millions of years of evolution.

Why do you think big companies only use good-looking people in their advertisements? It’s because they want you to associate their products with beautiful people.

Every day single of your life, people have judged you based on the way you look… and unless you happen to be blessed with stunningly good looks, that’s not a good thing.

Everyone can unlock their hidden potential by using my secret techniques and following my step-by-step plan.

"Mark’s program is an excellent resource for any guy that wants to enhance his physical appearance. Although before I bought Mark’s book I already considered myself fairly well off appearance wise, there are numerous enhances and additional things that he covers that I had never even thought of. In addition to this, the personalized support he provides through e-mail is very helpful. His responses are always very fast and informative. I highly recommend this to any guy that wants to enhance his appearance."

"There’s really no two ways around it… your book is something that every man should own. I’ve learned a lot of great stuff from it, and I truly think it’s had an impact on my life. After I read the book, I noticed that girls actually care about things like hygeine and fashion. Who knew? Anyway man, thanks again and if you’ve ever in Oklahoma let me know and I’ll buy you a beer, because you are the man…!"

"What an eye opener!! Thank you so much Mark. I can now leave the house knowing that people aren’t looking at me like I’m some sort of hideous beast… LOL! Right after I read your book I threw out more than half of my clothes, shaved off my nasty beard, and fixed my hair… getting compliments left and right now… THANK YOU!!!"

"hi … i was not bad looking before, so i was not sure to buy the book…. but i was wrong at first, now i know this ‘appearance transformation system’ is a very good system for any man … i have learned new things that i have not heard before. the big sections of the program on fitness and weightlifting are very good, better than other programs about just fitness."

"…This book practically doubled my self-confidence overnight…. In particular I found Mark’s personal email advice to be invaluable."

Hi. My name is Mark Belmont. Over the past year and a half, I’ve been able to help thousands of men around the world make big improvements to the way they look.

My confidence was down in the dumps, and no matter how may "pickup" books I read an how many "experts" gave me advice, I wasn’t exactly getting laid a whole lot.

Late one night, sitting in mymom’s basement, I submitted a photo of myself to — you know, that website where you can rate people’s "hotness" based on their photo — and got a humbling score of 4 out of 10.

The next day, my mission began: I needed to find out what women found physically attractive and apply that to my own appearance.

At the time, I only had one person to turn to for advice: a childhood friend named Jennifer, now a smokin’ hot advertising exec.

She didn’t talk about big muscles. She didn’t talk about big name clothing brands or the latest and trendiest hairstyles. What she did say, however, was enough to spark my curiosity.

I decided to head down to the local college campus and poll more women. First, I cornered 10 reluctant ladies and asked them the same question: What do women find physically attractive?

When I finally ran out of women to ask, I compiled the results: A list of over one hundred physical traits that all women find Universally Attractive.

Once I’d identified what ladies find attractive in a man’s appearance, I went out and talked to the experts:

They all corrobrated what those women said, and helped me put these learnings into practice in my own appearance.

Then I started reading research papers that delved into the science of appearance, and one article in particular shocked me.

This particular article described the results of a long-term study conducted by scientists from around the world. They spent years comparing beautiful people with unattractive people.

Transforming myself into a stud seemed like an impossible task at the time. To that point, I had always been considered the "ugly duckling."

You probably knew guys like me when you were in high school… I was that kid who happened to be sick every year on school photo day, and my yearbook photos were always replaced with "Photo Not Available".

Transforming my appearance became an obsession. I spent day and night researching, reading, and learning.

The more books I read and the more experts I spoke to, the more knowledge I acquired. I started to compile a list of little-known "appearance transformation" strategies…

I used myself as a guinea pig for all sorts of techniques designed to make a person better looking. Some failed miserably. Others had a drastic and immediate positive impact.

…A pretty girl sitting beside me on the bus started a conversation, and eventually gave me her phone number.

…I ran into a couple of guys I knew back from high school and they invited me out for a beer one Friday night.

Over the next couple of years, my…

How To Be Handsome - The Handsome Factor: Appearance Transformation System

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