Friday, July 18, 2014

Money Saving Green Solutions Download

WARNING: This year you will give thousands of dollars to corporations for products you don’t need that create more pollution and misery around the world ….STOP NOW!

Discover more than one hundred green solutions that will stop companies in their tracks, save you loads of money and turn you into a local hero !

I know you’ve heard it before but this really is the most important letter you’re going to read all year.

You’ve heard all the heart breaking news …. the weather is turned upside down and causing havoc everywhere; animals are going extinct daily; the atmosphere is filled with greenhouse gasses. Even though you know you have to go green you have been lead to believe that going green is complicated and expensive.

Big corporations spend millions of dollars to keep you from learning the truth – that going green is easier than you think and will save you loads of money. Why would they hide this truth from you? Because they make billions of dollars from you not knowing. When you think going green is more expensive or not worth it then companies can keep making tons of dough off of you, me and everyone else on the planet!

Finally everyday citizens can turn the tables on corporate greed and help save the planet in the process. In fact, over the next 7 minutes you’re going to learn the myths behind going green, staying green and being green. In less than 5 minutes from now you’re going to learn how going green actually means putting more green in your pocket…but first, let’s look at the bigger picture.

Unless you’ve been sleeping under a rock somewhere you know that our world and planet is in desperate need of your help. The earth changes are now so great that every man, woman and child on the planet is affected. Pollution, waste, garbage, toxins, poisons …. they are rampant. It’s time for you to think green and go green.

A couple of years ago I watched a movie about a guy who, for 30 days straight, ate all his meals at McDonalds restaurant. A couple of things stuck with me. First off, the guys health went in the trash and second he said that everyday McDonalds restaurants make enough trash to fill up the Empire State building. No kidding – every day just one company makes enough trash to fill a building that is 2,768,591 square feet big. This is just one company everyday.

How about this one. You know how everyone drinks their water out of plastic bottles. Hey, I’ve done it….well, those plastic bottles will never degrade. Plastic is not biodegradable. What happens to plastic is that it sticks around for thousands and thousands of years photo-degrading (from light). Right now, on a daily basis millions of these plastic bottles are thrown away. And how about this one: in the United States enough film wrap is made so that the entire state of Texas could be shrunk wrapped. If you’ve ever driven across Texas you know that’s a lot of shrink wrap!

When you read the money saving green solutions guide "Going Green & Saving Green" you’ll discover more than 100 ways you can immediately help the environment and save money in the process.

Going green is actually easier and more natural than not being green. Back in the good ‘ol days everyone was green. Life was a lot simpler before the turn of this century not to mention the last one.

Think about all the things that have been invented in your lifetime. Planes, trains, and automobiles? Computers and plastics? iPhones and wireless communications? How about all the lotions, potions, pills and remedies?

You might remember the Pet Rock from years ago. Just in case you’ve never heard of it, there was this guy who put a rock … yes, a rock…in a little crib box and sold it for a couple of bucks. He called them Pet Rocks and made millions!

So, what does the Pet Rock have to do with going green? Everyday we’re convinced to buy things that we really don’t need. Have you considered all those plastic water bottles? How the heck did that get started? Oh yeah, someone said water needed to be bottled for it to be any good…even if some water bottle companies just stick tap water in the bottle (did you hear about that thing with Dasani?)

Everyday companies and corporations are making stuff and then selling that new stuff to replace the old stuff saying the new stuff is the improved stuff. The sad truth is that companies don’t always care about the impact their products have on you and your family let along the planet. Companies are more concerned with the impact on their wallets than the impact in our lives.

"Going Green & Saving Green" is all about putting you in a position of savings. Saving the planet, saving your neighborhood and saving money. Inside this guide you’ll learn secrets that you’ve not heard before. In fact, let me share a couple of them with you.

You know how – and in this case, it helps if you’re a woman (I’ll get a man tip in a moment) you spend money on exfoliating products? You know all those creams with little balls of something in them to help scrub the yuckies off and smooth your skin when you’re in the shower? How about a green solution that works just as well, costs you nothing and is safe for the environment?

Coffee grounds. Yep, you heard it here first. A green exfoliating product is the leftover coffee grounds from breakfast. They work every bit as well as something you’d buy at the drug store, are organic and safe for the environment and save you money because you no longer have to buy another product. (There is a trick to using them though….make sure you mix the grounds with a liquid soap)

Now for you green guys out…

Money Saving Green Solutions

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