“Finally! An Inspiring, Easy to Read Book Jam-Packed with Proven Strategies, Insights and Gems Revealed by Other Parents of Deaf Children and Deaf Adults to Help You Raise a Happy, Thriving Deaf Child!”
“My name is Janet and I have a little boy, Hugh who is deaf. I read the book cover to cover and found it absolutely fantastic – very inspirational and very reassuring, full of lots of practical information which I’m sure will be invaluable to us as we progress along our journey. It has certainly been the ‘therapy’ I needed.”
GREAT NEWS FOR families of deaf and hard of hearing children, teachers of the deaf, audiologists, speech pathologists, newborn hearing screening professionals, early childhood educators and anyone who deals with children with hearing loss…
AT LAST! An inspiring new book containing 9 REAL LIFE interviews from parents of deaf and hard of hearing children AND highly successful deaf and hard of hearing adults.
Each Person in this book reveals their Own Personal Journey with Hearing Loss and how they dealt with even the most difficult barriers of being deaf in a hearing world.
Each Person in this book provides practical, hands on, proven strategies and tips to ensure that You and Your Deaf Child enjoy a happy, successful life!
From Julie Postance, author of Breaking the Sound Barriers: 9 deaf success stories, Melbourne, Australia
Have you been experiencing the effects of hearing loss on your child and your family for several years?
When your child was first diagnosed with hearing loss, it could quite possibly have been the most frightening, terrifying, daunting time of your life.
You see, more than 90% of deaf or hard of hearing children are born to hearing parents who have LITTLE or NO experience with hearing loss. For some parents, their deaf child may be the first deaf person they have ever met.
So many parents complain that following diagnosis, they are presented with a ‘showbag’ full of dry medical terminology and are sent home to ‘deal with’ the future. Many complain that in the blink of an eye, all the hopes and dreams they have held for that child disappear.
There are so many questions to answer. ‘Will my child ever lead a normal life?’, ‘Will my child attend a mainstream school?’, ‘What kind of school would be most suitable for my child’s needs?’, ‘Will my child have friends?’, ‘What language is best for my child – sign language or speech?’, ‘Will they be able to drive?’, ‘Will they get a good job?’ ‘Will they get married?’
Instead of support, many parents are greeted with a mass of confusing and contradictory information by professionals who are pushing different agendas. Some are saying, ‘Teach your child sign language. They need visual communication’ while others are saying, ‘Teach your child to speak. Signing will hinder their language development!’ No wonder they think they are going mad…
Bringing up a child who is hearing is a challenging enough. But raising a deaf child can seem completely overwhelming. However, if you are feeling afraid, uncertain, and worried about the future, then please relax. You’re not alone.
If you have ever asked yourself “Will my child be able to lead a normal life?”, the good news is, “Yes, they can!”
I want to tell you about my new e-book called Breaking the Sound Barriers: 9 deaf success stories. My book is a collection of real interviews with nine amazing parents of deaf children and deaf adults. Each interview captures the struggles and successes as they explore what helped and what hindered them in their journey with hearing loss.
The good news is that the deaf people in this book are THRIVING. They are all living proof that being deaf or having a hearing loss is certainly NOT the end of the world. Far from being a disability, deafness merely sets a child on a different journey, not a lesser one…
“Your book is fantastic! Congratulations on bringing the lives of deaf families out into the public. This has been needed to be done for a long time now. Many people in the community will benefit from this.”
Five cutting edge PRACTICAL solutions that you can do TODAY to help you enrich your deaf child’s life and in doing so, improve your own.
Five SPECIFIC strategies others have used to tackle barriers related to early intervention services, education, communication within the family and in the community, employment and adulthood.
A wealth of STEP BY STEP advice about navigating the highs and lows, drawing out the best in your deaf child and keeping your child’s self-esteem high.
Ten valuable tips and ideas from deaf adults as to what works and what doesn’t being deaf in a hearing world.
Nine interviews that reinforce the fact that deaf and hard of hearing people can BE, DO and HAVE anything they want in this world.
Nine interviews that give you a candid insight into the world of deafness – the tears and the joys.
An invaluable opportunity to connect with, and learn from, those who have travelled a similar path so that you may become the best parent you can be to your deaf child.
“This really is a fantastic book, summarising the diversity of experiences and opinions of people connected with deafness in a range of capacities. And I think the information/interview material from the contributors has been written in a very engaging way so it reads as a flow-through account, and really expresses the individual voices of the people involved. Very well done!”
I have worked at Deaf Children Australia since 2005. During that time, I have witnessed numerous parents of deaf and hard of hearing children calling the Deaf Children Australia Helpline saying, “My child has a hearing loss. Will they ever lead a happy, normal life? Will they cope at school? Will they make friends? Will they ever drive? Will they get married?”
Having worked with many deaf and…
Breaking the Sound Barriers, 9 Deaf Success Stories, Julie Postance, parents of deaf children, inside deaf culture, deaf books, deaf family
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