Tuesday, October 14, 2014

End Binge Eating Now - Overcome Binge Eating Disorder Download

Simply enter your name and email address and I’ll send you access to my secret binge eating journal that you can read word-for-word.

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Learn How An Ex Food-Addict From Houston, Texas Created A Proven System To Overcome Binge Eating Disorder Which Allowed Her To Gain Back Control Of Her Life…

“Discover How You Can Overcome Compulsive Overeating And Have More Self-Esteem Than Ever Before. Over 1,000 People Helped Since 2005!”

Emotional eating. Compulsive eating. Binge eating. Call it what you want, but I called it my deepest, darkest secret that I never told anyone about…

As soon as the clock struck noon, I was already out the door and headed to my car. It had been another bad day at work and I struggled to fight back the tears as I started my car.

I pulled out of the parking garage and headed towards the only place I knew that would ease my pain: a fast food place.

I pulled up to the drive-thru and placed my order holding a piece of paper in my hands, just in case there was anyone watching. I mean, after all, I wouldn’t want anyone to think that I was ordering all of this food for just myself.

After I placed my order, I drove up to the window to pay. As the woman handed me the bags, I pretended to check off the items on the fake list I had created just moments before.

After I paid, I drove to the far end of the parking lot where no other cars parked, and I began to eat. And eat. And eat.

“As you’d been so honest and open, I felt it was right to get in touch and thank you for what you had done for me and so many others out there… Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

I just wanted to message you personally as I feel I’ve a lot to thank you for. A few years back I had BED pretty bad… so I looked it up and came across your video. I cried pretty hard when I saw it, it all made a lot of sense…

I’ve lost all the weight, am healthy again and no longer suffer from it (binge eating disorder). But not just that, it wasn’t until my boyfriend saw your video that he finally understood. It was the one thing between us he just couldn’t understand, so after maybe 6 months of being together, I showed him, and just as I had done, he cried. I don’t know what it is, but you made him understand, so thank you. It actually stretches further than that, his girlfriend from way back had suffered from it too, and he hadn’t been able to support her.

After watching your video he felt so bad he called her up to apologize and explained that finally, through talking to me and seeing your take on it, he understood and was sorry he hadn’t been better to her. I was very proud of him and it was inspired by you, so again, thank you so much….

As you’d been so honest and open, I felt it was right to get in touch and thank you for what you had done for me and so many others out there.

You are a beautiful soul Kristin Gerstley. I wish you the very best and hope you continue to help people around the world as you have done me.

For many years I struggled with my food addiction and binge eating disorder. It controlled every aspect of my life. Everywhere I went and everything I did had to be done around my “private life” that I simply kept to myself.

But soon, instead of being in control of my own life, I began to realize that I wasn’t the one in control.

I can remember the countless times that I would babysit for someone and dive into their kitchen cabinets when the children went to sleep.

I’d then hide the “evidence” in my backpack so that I could dispose the trash later where no one would find it. Have you ever done anything like that?

“Do You Constantly Feel Like Something’s Wrong With You And Use Food To Ease The Pain?”

“I have hope and find comfort knowing that I’m not the only one going through this…”

“Kristin, I’m writing this to you while I’m in tears. I just finished reading your eBook and I cannot express how much your words have meant to me. For the first time that I can recall, I feel that I have hope and find comfort knowing that I’m not the only one going through this. And more than that, because of you, I have a plan that I know that I can stick to. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I truly feel that your book has saved my life. I will keep you posted with my progress if that’s OK with you. Thank you so much.

If you’re anything like how I was, then you may be struggling to find out why you are like this. And even if you know the answer, the next struggle begins with how to overcome your binge eating.

Luckily, I documented my journey and researched like crazy in hopes to help people like you not only overcome binge eating, but also become a much stronger person emotionally.

You see, when I started, I wanted answers. Why was I like this? Is there a cure? How did this happen? Why me?

I read every single book that I could find on “Binge Eating Disorder” and “food addiction” and “compulsive overeating”.

I read or sifted through another few hundred books. I sifted…

End Binge Eating Now - Overcome Binge Eating Disorder

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