Today you also can learn these Forbidden Stamina and Premature Ejaculation Secrets. Secrets originally used By ancient Princes, Kings and Caliphs..
The hottest most desierable women in the 1940′s and 50′s had two things in common, from Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Joan Crawford, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Eva Peron, Rita Hayworth, Eartha Kitt, Ava Gardner, Soraya Esfandiary, Doris Duke, Kim Novak, Veronica Lake, and Flor de Oro Trujillo Ledesma…
They all were utterly addicted to two of the 20th Century’s most notorious play-boy Lovers and Seducers who mastered this interesting male stamina technique that you are going to learn about..
I have written a book that exposes the Secret Long-Lost methods these men used to master their erections and not only make love as long as they want, but methods you can also use, today, to arouse and satisfy any woman, along with other hidden treasures of Sexual Knowledge.
A small Sexual Elite has known of an all natural drug-free and centuries old, time-tested technique called Imsak to massively increase both the amount of pleasure you feel in bed with your wife or partner, as well as taking her own pleasure to levels she never before imagined, while at the same time prolonging your ability to Sexually perform.
But first, let me ask two questions, are you honestly happy and content with your sex life? Now is the woman you love – does the woman in your life get the most satisfaction she can in bed with you?
The known fact is that premature ejaculation affects almost 70% of men in their lifetimes. Sometimes we don’t even know that we are technically premature ejaculators, but our women know.
We never want to admit this happens to us. After all, who wants to feel the shame of being known as “Mr. Two Minutes”…
Take a moment and tmagine knowing the sexual secrets to ecstatic lovemaking, giving your wife girlfriend or partner countless orgasms until she’s incoherent.
Imagine knowing how to last in bed as long as you want, whenever you want, like an EverReady battery you keep going, and going..
I offer you a book that unveils this and much more. Do you want to learn how to heighten your orgasms and pleasure, increase your capacity to enjoy sexual pleasure, and gain the skills to satisfy the most sexually demanding women, over and over again?
I originally offered all of this, collected from long-out of print books and manuscripts costing a fortune, for the low price of only $24.95. But we’re in a recession, no matter what “they” say for ordinary guys like us we are all feeling the pinch.
I want as many men to have access to this knowledge for a fair price which is why for a very limited time, you can instantly download today for only $7.95,. You have NO RISK, your investment is backed by a 60 day Money Back Guarantee. You can click here to instantly get access to this knowledge. Order Today Here.
But it’s a fact, many men do not realize they are premature ejaculators and actually think they are lasting long enough to give their women bed shaking orgasms. But their women never tell them. Ever see that movie “Harry Met Sally” ? Remember Sally’s fake orgasm scene in the cafe. Women really do lie All The Time about their orgasms.
Women lie about their orgasms a lot because they don’t want to hurt the men who love them. But deep down inside they are also hurting. You see, women have deep sexual needs that polite society lies about, but the need for Sexual connection and communication is actually deeper in many women than men. Orgasm is an important part of that need.
To keep men drones, life sucked out, easily managed tools of production and consumption. That way those who are “in the know” can reap most of the benefits, and keep things running in a smooth way for everyone else. Virile, awake, and satisfied people are very dangerous to the powers that be.
They hate men who want to make their own paths, and follow their own rules. They want male victims whose life has been sucked out, who obey, and sit in neat little rows like school-girls. Men who are vibrant, energetic, and go after what they want not what “They” want. The “Establishment”, “The Man.”
Society denies the truth to keep most men in this control “matrix” But it doesn’t have to be that way. One thing some of themost Sexually Powerful men in history knew was how to erotically satisfy women. Women did incredible things for these men and it had little to dow ith them being so-called Alpha Males. Even Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond, and a notorious seducer spoke about who just knowing how to get women isn’t enough, that the one thing most English Speaking men lacked was knowledge of bed-technique.
It’s a fact, women are more sexually inclined and hornier than they pretend. They ache to be satisfied by their husbands. All women secretly dream of being made love to in a certain way. A man who knows how literally holds her in the palm of his hand.
Men are simply not given accurate and practical information about how the right way to make love to women in a way that sets her on fire. It’s not your fault, powerful forces have tried to keep this secret from you. It’s not men’s fault, after all no one taught us the things we need to know.
Every woman, I’m not even talking about the wild Jägerbomb dropping Sex-on-Wheels girl with the tats and tongue ring down the street. I mean the “normal everyday” women, the quiet mousy new professor in the literature department, the demure librarian, the conservative family values and Apple Pie Mom at the PTA…
Learn How to Satisfy a Harem – learn authentic ancient secrets of sexual stamina and prowess.
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