Thursday, September 4, 2014 Download

Notice! This is our most popular product. Get the Money! is a great way to start your Rich Dreams experience.

Instead of your having to work long hard hours to find money and abundance. Money and abundance would find you.

Opportunity, a better job, a great business, love, friendship, success, fun, happiness and yes, more money than you can spend.

Yes, you can have it all. You can have money and abundance, FAST! Once you know this simple secret.

Right now, this very instant, there is a never-ending river of abundance flowing just beyond your view. To access…to make it work for you now all you need are two things.

A few years ago we were still digging out from under our second personal bankruptcy. Money and abundance were only a dream.

We were living in a house where ants stacked their dead in our bathroom every morning. Our refrigerator door was so rusted magnets wouldn’t stick anymore.

Heck, the Salvation Army refused to take any of our old furniture. It wasn’t up to their standards.

Then one beautiful summer day at the beach a most amazing thing happened. We were given an amazingly powerful secret to creating money and abundance. FAST!

We love our work. We throw great parties that sometimes double for rock concerts. We eat in great restaurants and we constantly buy fine new things to enhance our lives.

That amazing book has already changed and empowered the lives of thousands of people just like you in every continent of the globe.

Yes, that book can change your life. It contains a wonderful system for getting the things you want in life.

But we left something out of that book. I don’t know if we forgot it or just weren’t ready to part with the Secret to attracting money and abundance, FAST.

We didn’t tell you how easy it was to open the flood-gates to the infinite flow of abundance.

We didn’t give you the tools you need to ACTIVATE that never-ending river of money and abundance.

Money is the world’s primary means of exchange. Regardless of where you are or what you do, you need money. And that probably won’t change anytime soon.

Even though there is an unlimited supply of money in the world. Even though the world economy grows larger every year. Even though there are more millionaires per capita today than ever before in the history of humankind.

Getting a healthy share of that money for yourself can at times seem like an uphill battle against unbearable odds.

Once it occurred to us that we were holding something back, something essential to your success, we held that amazing teleseminar.

This show lasted nearly 4 hours. And when it finally ended the audience was ablaze with energy and enthusiasm.

It seemed like we had opened a connection directly to the Source of All Power and Knowledge and simply allowed that life changing energy to flow through us to you.

We felt something so powerful and so rare that we all knew this show was a gift. A very special gift.

Listen to this 4 minute sample of our nearly 4 hours of answers, solutions and practical tools you can use to activate the flow of money into your life. FAST!

The material we’ve transcribed into this ebook carries the powerful imprint of that amazing seminar. It holds the life changing essence we gathered that day. Tools you can use in your life to attract money and abundance, FAST!

Tools to help you turn ordinary days into power days. Tools to keep you in the infinite flow of abundance waiting for you now.

Here are the 9 essential elements we talk about for activating the flow of money and abundance into your life.

I listen to the CDs of Get the Money… least twice a week as I commute to and from work. Every time I listen, it is like the first time (actually better with each listening)…this message has multiple layers of knowledge and insight and each listening is just like opening a gift from the Universe for me.

Thanks so much for this. I’ve had the same experience with feeling that I absolutely had to read the book. I found that it spoke to me in a different way than other books with the same content. I did all the action in the book and have recommended it to everyone. Thanks for sharing your hearts and spirit with us. Warmest regards, Rosemary

I have to share what happened to me immediately after listening to the Get the Money seminar today. My two daughters (ages 10 and 8) had been waiting and waiting for me to get off the phone so I could take them to the mall. Well, before the call I had been hesitant to take them because money has been scarce… and I didn’t want to have to tell them I couldn’t buy them anything.

Well immediately after the call I kept envisioning myself in this river of abundance Tom and Penelope kept talking about, deciding not to focus any longer on my limiting thoughts of a finite bank account. We went to the mall and I was just happy to be with my girls looking at all the wonderful things we wanted to buy. We walked into their favorite clothing store and a woman walked right up to me and said: "I just received this $25 in-store gift certificate and I really can’t use it, would you like to have it for your girls?" Well after I could get my mouth closed, I thanked her profusely and thanked the Universe for being so quick to deliver!!!! To me and the girls this gift was like a dream come true to have "credit" in their favorite store.

Just want to thank you again for the great teleseminar today. I truly enjoyed it, and feel that…

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