Everyone in this industry knows that the Local/Offline opportunity is huge. But how do you find enough clients to build a “real” business FAST?
The far majority of Offline Marketers are stuck with just a handful of clients – not making anywhere near the money they should be and probably still working their full-time job doing something else – because they don’t have a PROVEN PROSPECTING SYSTEM they can rely on.
If you want to be the 500lb guerrilla of your market you must have a client-getting-system that is proven and predictable!
Just look around at the companies that we love to make fun of, but that are crushing the marketplace with hundreds of millions and even billions of dollars in sales! Companies like:
Sure, their services suck compared to what you can do, but they have tens-of-thousands of customers!
I know because I live in one of their biggest test markets, and I’ve hired several of their salespeople.
Knowing that just about everyone in this market dreads dreads prospecting to find new clients, nearly every WSO promises that you’ll never have to hunt for a client again if you’ll just use their latest prospecting postcard, email or video.
The big dream is that you’ll just send something out and the clients will come beating down your door to do business with you.
Having a proactive, outbound prospecting system that uses a real, living, breathing human being to make contact is still the most productive way to find new offline clients and build your business FAST!
Small businesses are run by people that buy from other people. They value relationships, and they value hearing from experts that can help them achieve their goals.
Don’t get me wrong..I’m not telling you that you shouldn’t be doing all of the smart marketing you can.
But I AM TELLING YOU that if you learn to back up that marketing with the system I’m going to teach you that you’ll get 3-5x the results and grow your income faster than you thought possible!
Most people think that prospecting is too difficult, but it’s not…it’s just THAT YOU ARE DOING IT ALL WRONG!
Your contacting your prospect one time, with weak messaging, and without the benefit of a coordinated campaign to support your efforts, and your wondering why it seems to be such an unproductive slog!
You need an integrated prospecting campaign that includes email and phone calls to get appointments with the least amount of effort.
If you do this correctly you will get 3-5x the results from your prospecting efforts and crush your competition!
But isn’t making phone calls lame, uncool…only for people that don’t understand how to market?!
I don’t think you should be making pure cold calls. That’s the most unsophisticated, brute force way of building your business.
You SHOULD be using calls as a part of integrated prospecting campaigns that includes email to get your prospects attention and warms them up to your call.
We’ve tested every marketing approach in the book over the last few years, and NOTHING works better than using email and phone calls to get business owners in a sales conversation with you.
And look…I haven’t made a sales call myself in years! I have other people do that for me, and you can too.
I’m not suggesting you have to do all of the work yourself. Believe me, I’m all about creating a business where the dirty work is done for me.
I have a track record of building businesses with focus on local/smb’s – in my experience nothing has provided more consistent results and bang for the buck than the system I’m about to show you.
My first business was a 3x Inc 5000 company that I grew from scratch using this exact system as our primary sales tool, and grew to millions of dollars in recurring revenue before selling it.
My current business is providing offline services to small businesses around the country and has grown even faster than my first business, growing to over $300k in recurring revenue each month in just 18 months time – while I was still working 60 hour weeks at my old business – selling the same stuff you are selling – SEO, websites, local directory submission, etc. – and using this exact system as our primary sales tool.
Here are the actual sales results – from NEW CUSTOMERS – of my two sales guys over the least few months:
I can assure you, these guys aren’t super-human and weren’t born with some sort of prospecting gene that you missed out on!
Once you’re able to do that, “Local” takes on a whole new meaning! Now you can sell to “Local” clients wherever they may be, which has been one of the secrets to our fast growth.
As a result, we’ve built a REAL business. To prove to you I’m not just blowing smoke, I did a quick video tour of our office and team – check it out:
In this WSO I’m going to show you the exact formula that will become your secret weapon that allows you to crush your weaker competition.
Plus, you’ll get videos, scripts, checklists and tools to get you up and running quickly, including:
The Chase Formula is going to get you conversations with prospects so you can drive more client opportunities.
What you do with them after that will determine if you create a part-time income, or a business that really gives you the lifestyle you are looking for.
In this bonus, Kevin Wilke, the guy I call “The Godfather of Local” because he has been doing this so long and helped so many people with his incredible training, is going to give you:
**The 3 “Must Get Right” Steps To Creating A Full-Time Income…
The Chase Formula - Learn to Sell Your Services Like a Pro!
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