Looking for wholesale suppliers of authentic designer handbags and other merchandise for your business, a business you’d like to start OR just for yourself?
Found suppliers but not sure you can trust them—are they legitimate? Is their merchandise really authentic?
If so, I understand your frustration. My name is Viktor. A little over a decade ago, I was trying to start a business selling designer handbags after reading a success story about a person who was making a lot of money selling this merchandise. Designer handbags are one of the most sought-after items by women and they sell like hotcakes.
But when I tried to find a wholesale supplier, it felt impossible. I’d spend countless hours searching online and hardly get anywhere. And the frustrating thing was I knew these suppliers existed: I saw people selling authentic designer handbags on eBay and other websites, but I couldn’t figure out where they were getting them from. No one wanted to talk.
When I finally found a supplier I thought I could trust—a company based in Italy, no less—I purchased $1,000 worth of Prada handbags from them, and they turned out to be fake.
This made me even more determined to find a legitimate supplier, which I eventually did—after a lot of research—a few months later. It was at that time, 10 years ago now, that I began successfully selling this merchandise as a business.
Once I got my foot in the door, I learned a lot about the business. I made connections with people in the industry and eventually discovered dozens of suppliers of not only designer handbags, but also designer clothing, shoes, accessories, etc.
Finding these suppliers was not easy. Most of them aren’t listed in the search engines and can’t be found online. You really have to know someone in the business to get access to them.
9 out of 10 wholesale suppliers claiming to sell "authentic" designer merchandise are selling FAKES.
Most wholesale suppliers selling "so-called" authentic designer handbags, designer clothing, etc. are selling fakes. They’re selling what’s called ’7 Star Replicas’ or ‘Mirror Image’ Replicas. And these aren’t just any replicas. They’re top-of-the-line knockoffs made in China—designer handbags that look so much like the real thing, most people can’t tell the difference. These bags comes with authenticity cards, dust covers, and even serial numbers, but they aren’t real. And get this: I’ve taken some of these replicas to a major department store here in the United States and been told by their sales person that they were real! That’s how good they are. Granted, they didn’t fool every sales person. 7 Star Replicas are a HUGE business in China; they sell them all over the world. Unfortunately, many suppliers in the United States—and even Italy—pass this merchandise off as authentic to unsuspecting consumers.
I, personally, know of good-intentioned people that have bought and sold this merchandise—some for months—without ever knowing that they were selling fakes. The problem is: this merchandise is illegal. Even if you tell your customers it’s fake, it’s still illegal. It’s trademark infringement. Stay away from it.
Here’s a tip: If you think you’ve found your dream wholesale supplier of authentic designer handbags and they have an endless supply of bags—especially whatever’s hot right now—think again. When it comes to authentic designer merchandise at wholesale, inventory is limited, it changes frequently, and is often past-season.
There are dozens and dozens of wholesale lists for sale on the internet that claim to give you legitimate wholesale distributors of authentic designer handbags, clothing, etc. but nearly all of them are junk. They sell anywhere from $0.99 to $20, many of them on eBay.
The people behind these lists know nothing about this business. They have never been in this business. They’re just looking for a quick buck. Most of these wholesale lists are just the search results from Google or names and numbers compiled from other outdated wholesale lists. What you get are hundreds of distributor listings—most of which are no longer valid—and no real quality contacts.
Louis Vuitton is one of those brands. If you come across a wholesale supplier that claims to have authentic Louis Vuitton, I can pretty much guarantee you it’s fake. It’s been said that Louis Vuitton would rather burn their bags before letting them get to the off-price or secondary wholesale market.
The only place Louis Vuitton wholesales their merchandise is to their boutiques. They don’t have distributors or other suppliers, whatsoever. In fact, most designers don’t—the merchandise goes straight from the factories to their boutiques and authorized dealers. Say a particular Louis Vuitton item doesn’t sell, they would rather destroy it than risk seeing it on the shelves at an outlet store. They do this to protect their brand image—the prestige and exclusivity people associate with Louis Vuitton. If LV were available on the off-price market, they believe their brand image would be diminished. Having said this, however, there is the RARE occasion that a supplier gets a hold of authentic Louis Vuitton, but it’s almost unheard of. You have to be VERY well connected in this business.
Now that you know what to avoid when looking for a designer handbag wholesaler, here’s what you should look for:
A Legitimate Designer Handbag Wholesaler sells AUTHENTIC designer handbags. Pretty obvious, right, but what does this mean? It means that if you mail the merchandise to the designer to have it authenticated (they ONLY true way to know), they will determine that it’s authentic. It also means that the designer, themselves, will honor any repairs, warranty issues, etc. that may arise with the merchandise because it’s a genuine product.
A Legitimate Designer Handbag Wholesaler wholesales handbags at 50-80% off retail, so you can make a profit! Generally speaking, you can expect the merchandise to be at least 50% off retail.
A Legitimate Designer…
Authentic Wholesale Designer Handbag Suppliers - Wholesale Purses
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