Thursday, August 28, 2014

Public Domain Expert Toolbar Download

PICTURE THIS…Here is what is waiting for you RIGHT NOW in the Public Domain:

It’s easier to create a product from something that already exists rather than create it from scratch.

All great Marketers know this! Do you really think they write all the products they create? NO WAY! As a matter of fact, using Public Domain works will provide you with the same "unfair" advantages as the Marketing Experts because THEY know as you should that Public Domain works can be used to QUICKLY:

Trying to find quality Public Domain books, images, movies and other resources can be a frustrating process. You can literally spend hundreds of hours following research rabbit trails and pouring over search results trying to HOPEFULLY turn up that elusive Public Domain gem…until NOW!

Let me introduce you to the EASY WAY to find PROVEN Public Domain Content…

With the Public Domain Expert Toolbar, 2.0, you now have INSTANT access to EVEN MORE amazing tools and resources for EASILY finding Public Domain works right from your Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox browser (including the latest versions). This full-featured tool changes the rules to Public Domain research by giving quick, finger-tip access to…

No More Trying to Remember Which Sites Had What Content…or Having 50 Tabs Open at Once…Each With a Different Search Database on It!

But that’s not ALL! The Public Domain Toolbar 2.0 ALSO includes a separate search feature SPECIFICALLY for finding images! You now have, at your fingertips, the ability to search through literally tens of millions of Public Domain images using 19 Different Image Databases to help you locate the photographs, illustrations, graphics and artwork you need for product creation, graphic design and MUCH more.

This powerful NEW addition to the Toolbar makes it a perfect research tool for graphic designers, website designers, Photoshop experts, scrapbookers, filmmakers…and yes…information product developers! As a Graphic Designer and Media Expert who needs a LOT of images, I’ve found this feature invaluable and a massive time-saver!

This NEW Feature Alone Opens a Whole New World to You for Product Creation and Design…Talk About Saving LOTS of Time and Money!

The TWO Search features alone make the Public Domain Expert Toolbar 2.0 one of THE most valuable assets you could possess for your online research arsenel…

The "Public Domain Expert Toolbar 2.0" now provides you with INSTANT access to over 500 Public Domain-related websites. This amazing database includes:

I think you’ll agree that The Public Domain Expert Toolbar is a COMPLETE RESEARCH SOLUTION for quickly, simply and easily locating Public Domain Works. Hundreds and hundreds of satisfied customers rely on the PDE Toolbar 1.0 as their secret weapon for finding PROVEN content for their products and business… NOW, with Version 2.0, the odds will be EVEN MORE stacked in their (and your) favor. This tool is a no-brainer for you!

"While the Public Domain Expert Toolbar, 2.0 Is a Complete Solution for Finding Proven Content in the Public Domain, I Want to Sweeten the Deal for You Even More…"

"Revealed! Legally Steal Millions in Taxpayer Dollars, Over & Over Again!" Video Training Course

I’m sure by now that you have seen the massive benefit in working with the Public Domain Expert Toolbar, 2.0, not to mention the additional benefit of the Expert Bonuses. The Government video series alone is worth the price of admission! You see, I’ve already done all the hard work for you, and now I’m handing you hundreds of hours of research, testing and software creation for a fraction of what it cost me so that you can "hit the ground running" right away. NO MORE wasting countless hours trying find those Public Domain gold mines! With the new features and bonuses included in the Version 2.0 package, I could easily price this new version of the software at $197 or even $297 (and it would be worth every penny). But I have decided to make it easily affordable for even those just starting out.

That’s right…you can invest in the Public Domain Expert Toolbar 2.0 and all the Bonuses… for just $97

And You’ll Get Immediate Access to the Toolbar and all the Bonuses, even if it’s 4AM!

Try The Public Domain Expert Toolbar 2.0 at absolutely zero risk for 56 days and find all the Public Domain Works you want with it…if you are not 100% satisfied simply delete the package and we will cheerfully refund your purchase price – no ifs, ands, or buts, just your money back!

PS – No other Public Domain software offers as many functions and abilities as The Public Domain Expert Toolbar 2.0 does…None are even close! Download your own copy of NEW The Public Domain Expert Toolbar 2.0 Now!

PPS – The toolbar will work with IE5.0 and above. It will work on Win95, Win98, WinME, Win2000, WinXP, Vista, Windows 7 and Mac OSX and higher (Note to Mac users…Firefox version only…you must have a copy of Firefox installed on your computer). The Toolbar is compatible with the latest versions of Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Your purchase includes installers for the browser of YOUR CHOICE.

Sign up for our FREE Public Domain Expert Newsletter for valuable Public Domain tips, insights, strategies, special offers and more! You’ll also receive our popular report, "Public Domain Expert Code-Breaker Report" as our way of saying, THANKS!

Public Domain Expert Toolbar

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