From: Jim Edwards Subject: Legitimate, simple method generates FREE traffic to Your Site!
A number of ways, but the most important one I’m going to tell you about today is with free articles I send out over the Internet.
The website I mentioned above recently received 23,234 targeted visits in just 1 month (Click For Proof) from over 1,651 different sources – many of which came from my articles published in other people’s ezines and on their websites. Like I said above, on average, those visitors convert into more than $5,864.41 in sales every month. I don’t have to do much of anything now but cash the checks which come in twice a month.
Oh, one more thing, that website has been #1 or #2 out of 1,000′s of merchants on ClickBank’s Business to Business Category for almost three years now (Click For Proof)!
This e-book reveals the entire method—from soup to nuts—and it will work for anyone who uses it. Some of the resources in this ebook were a surprise, even to me.
Here’s my question to you: Even if you’re making sales from your website, are you paying through the nose for the traffic that gets you those sales?
If you’re making less than $500 a month from your website sales — or even if you’re making a lot more — read every word of this letter very carefully and I will share with you information about my method for getting free traffic that turns into hard cash month… after month… after month!
I used to ask that question daily until I discovered a dependable traffic source that
Every website could benefit from an extra 100, 200… even 500 visitors a day – especially if you didn’t have to pay for them!
Those extra visitors translate into spendable cash… and I like that. However, if you’re like me, you’re not a search engine guru and you don’t have an unlimited advertising budget. Also, you know that traffic schemes like "safe lists", FFA links pages, and "exit traffic" exchanges simply don’t work.
Well, I’ve found a system for generating steady traffic to my websites that doesn’t require you to become some sort of "guru" who can manipulate HTML code or install strange scripts. I’ve found something far simpler and effective that anyone can duplicate that drives targeted customers to your website as well or better than all the complicated and costly traffic schemes in the world!
It’s a simple formula really – I’ll tell you exactly how it works right now…
Step #1 – You write a 500 word article on a topic of great interest to a targeted audience and then…
Step #2 – You get a few of the tens-of-thousands of ezine publishers on the Web (who by the way need articles desperately) to run your article to their thousands of subscribers.
Step #3 – Of those thousands of people who see your article, some will click on your link at the bottom of the article, visit your website, and purchase your products (or earn you commissions by purchasing other people’s products through your affiliate links.)
What makes this system even more effective is that, in many cases, website owners will also post your article to their websites (they’re hungry for content too!), the search engines will index those pages, and you end up getting traffic for months — sometimes years — after you initially publish your article.
"Wow, am I getting some great results!" I’ve been writing one article per week since Jan 1. They are getting published regularly now in ezines across the web. People are contacting me literally out of the blue, "we are publishing your article in tomorrow’s ezine", etc etc etc. This week one of my articles is being published in the flagship ezine with 400,000 subscribers. Oh baby, that should bring some traffic! The editor Garrett French has also asked me to be their "resident tax expert", doing q&a with their subscribers, etc. All this from writing articles. It works, Jim, just like you said it would! Thanks, man, for giving me so much useful info."
Wayne Davies Fort Wayne, Indiana
As you can see, we’re not hiding anything! But 3 things make what we offer fresh and new over ANYTHING you’ll find anywhere else on this subject:
The traditional ways to getting traffic to your website can be just plain difficult and confusing!
Beside the fact that the web grows more crowded every day, traditional traffic generation just keeps getting more complicated and confusing. Let’s look at your options:
I’ve done it all when it comes to getting traffic: traditional search engines… Yahoo!… email marketing… FFA pages… pay-per-click… even some SPAM early on in my career (but not much of that). Here’s my philosophy when it comes to generating website traffic.
"You would much rather have a thousand people sending you two visitors a day than depend on two sources to each send you a thousand visitors a day!"
(Re-read the above sentence one more time and let it sink in. It might just save your business!)
If you get your traffic spread out among hundreds and thousands of different sources and you lose one or two it’s no big deal… business continues and life is good.
But if all your traffic only comes from pay-per-click, or Yahoo!, or search engines like Google, or just a few key affiliates – what happens if you lose one of those sources?
A simple alternative for steady, dependable website traffic you can literally "take to the bank!"
We’ll show you our quick and easy techniques for pumping out high-quality, professional articles.
We’ll also show you how to persuade dozens, hundreds, even thousands of website owners and ezine publishers to put your article in front of very targeted readers who can visit your website and purchase your products.
If you don’t have time to write articles yourself, we’ll show you how to…
Turn Words Into Traffic
*and, ..., ..., ..., ..., ... ..., ... ..., ... ..., 000, 1, 100, 2, A+, advertising, advertising budget, affiliate, affiliate links, affiliates, alternative, AMP, Anywhere, Article, articles, as*, audience, average, b., baby, bank, benefit, Better, BIG, big deal, blue, book, Budget, business, Business Category, career, cases, cash, category, checks, Click, clickbank, code, commissions, content, Convert, costly traffic schemes, customers, d., DAILY, deal, Depend, dependable traffic source, Different, different sources, difficult, do., don, download, dozens, drives, duplicate, e-book, earn, Easy, easy techniques, eBook, editor, editor Garrett French, effective, email, email marketing, end, engine, entire method, Exactly, exit traffic, expert, extra visitors, Ezine, ezine publishers, ezines, fact, FFA, FFA pages, find, for., free, free articles, FREE Download, Free traffic, french, generation, going, good, Google, Great, great results, guru, HARD, hard cash, hiding, high, how, how to, html, HTML code, hundreds, I., Important, Index, Indiana, Indiana, info, information, install, internet, Jan, Jim, Jim Edwards Subject, key, key affiliates, L., letter, life, link, links, lists, look, lose, make, makes, making, man, marketing, merchants, method, need, New, nose, NOT, number, nuts, offer, one, options, Other, owners, pages, Pay, people, Philosophy, post, Products, professional, professional articles, proof, publishers, publishing, purchase, purchasing, Q&A, quality, question, Quick, read, readers, resident tax expert, resources, results, Reveals, right, safe, safe lists, Sales, scripts, search, search engine, search engine guru, search engines, sentence, share, show, simple, simple alternative, simple formula, simple method, sink, site, sort, source, sources, spam, spendable cash, steady traffic, step, strange scripts, subject, subscribers, surprise, System, T., t.o, Targeted, targeted audience, targeted readers, tax, techniques, tens, thanks, The., thing, things, thousands, time, to, To Tell, topic, torrent, traditional search engines, traditional traffic generation, traditional ways, traffic, traffic generation, traffic source, turns, unlimited advertising budget, used, useful info, uses, V., visit, visitors, visits, way, Wayne, Wayne Davies Fort, ways, Web, flagship ezine, website, website owners, website sales, website traffic, websites, word, word article, work, works, world, wow, write, writing, yahoo, You can, you., Your, [enter keywords here], [financial freedom]
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