Is alcohol, drug use or other addictions, (like pornography, gambling, food, smoking) badly affecting your life or someone’s life who you care about?
The Addiction Free Forever Program is the only program that GUARANTEES to show how to PERMANENTLY END an alcohol or drug problem or any addiction and have a deeply fulfilling life NATURALLY and is INEXPENSIVE! It costs less than one visit to a psychologist and is AT-HOME, not requiring any visits to an expensive rehab center. You can be an EX, not a "recovering."
This program has a "better-than-risk-free guarantee" in that it has a full money-back guarantee plus you will be able to keep the bonuses. (But I’ve never heard of this program failing, and I’ve sold over 2000 of them. Instead I’ve received many emails of great success. See the quotes throughout this web page.)
"I was severely addicted to alcohol and cocaine. I’d tried everything I could find, including AA and Narc-Anon. But it wasn’t until I followed the Addiction Free Forever program that I finally experienced an inner strength that allowed me to conquer my addiction problem." Quote from a pilot for a major airline who flunked his drug test
"The Addiction Free Forever program is the best program I’ve seen in all my years of working with addiction. In fact it is the ONLY way that I’ve seen to be able to bring a permanent end to addiction. AFF is as close to perfection as perfection can be in the ‘world’ of addicton! It has the power to bring addiction to an abrupt and permanent end for anyone choosing to get their life back and move forward. As a former nurse, interventionist and addictions life coach, with a history of working three decades in the medical field, it is a great day to wake up knowing that the Goliath of Addiction is being taken down in the Spirit of David. When my own dream crossed paths with Dennis’ a few short years ago, I knew that the end to a seemingly hopeless road would soon be met with hope & healing! Diane Perkins
The way to have PERMANENT freedom from alcohol and drugs requires only three things:
(1) A way to successfully (and as painlessly as possible) get through withdrawal. But first: (2) An inner experience that is independently strong and has no weaknesses and consists primarily of good feelings and not bad ones (3) A way to view life that automatically and easily creates a life and feeling of deep fulfillment, inner strength and great purpose.
The Addiction Free Forever program shows how to do all 3 of these things and guides you through the process.
And when these three things are accomplished, alcohol and drugs are experienced as too harsh and therefore aren’t desired or considered anymore.
Do you or someone you know have an addiction problem? Instead of thinking of yourself as recovering would you like to end a problem with alcohol, drugs or any other addiction once and for all? Addiction Free Forever is a proven method that just doesnt deal with the weeds of addiction, but rather it pulls them out by the roots. Not only that, but in that process you also end up creating a great life for yourself (satisfying and inspiring).
Hello… As an EX-alcoholic and EX-drug user (no longer a "recovering" one for 24 years now after 18 years of use), I’m happy to present here the method that accomplished that for me and that I guarantee will also work for you.
Fortunately that didn’t happen. Instead, what I eventually discovered not only gave me the strength to stop all addictions… it turned my life into one that has joy, great purpose, and deep fulfillment. And that has been going on for 24 years now, which is why I call myself an EX- alcoholic and EX-drug user, not a "recovering" one. Drugs and alcohol are distant memories now that I wouldn’t let invade the great life that I now experience… not because I’m afraid to use them, but because I just don’t like them. Compared to my life now, I would experience them as a "downer".
Dear Dennis, I wanted to write to you to thank you for saving my life, literally. Not long ago, I was in despair and ready to take my own life. I have been an alcoholic for several years and lost everything that has been important to me because of that. But most recently, I had gotten engaged to a person who I consider an angel from God. Well my drinking and lack of success with my work lead to her leaving me and not wanting to continue together. I was completely broken and ready to take my own life. And when I say ready, I’m talking about seconds away from squeezing the trigger. Somehow by the grace of God I didn’t and today I feel better than ever. God somehow lead my online to order your book and I did. I was broken down, crying and ready to end it and somehow I found your book online and ordered it right away. Well I wanted to say thank you for saving my life. That’s not a joke. Between what you had written in your book, plus the strength that God put in me, I did not take my own life. Because of alcohol, I lost everything in my life. Money, a good job, and the most important person in my life. Well NO MORE!! I will never take another drink in my life, and I can say that without a problem. I almost checked myself into a rehab facility but instead just followed your book and ever since have been on my way to a better more fulfilling life. I wanted to thank you for everything. I often sit down and read your book over and over because it just makes more sense every time I read it…
Addiction Free Forever
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