I am Sarah Summer. I am a Health Researcher and the Editor of the medical publication, www.The-Web-Doctor.info
I am also a former yeast infection sufferer and know first hand how yeast infections can disrupt a person’s life.
Over the next few minutes I want to share with you valuable information you can use to cure your yeast infection.
I want to share with you something NEW and IMPORTANT that I have DISCOVERED .
1….There are VERY FEW All-Natural treatments for yeast infection that are safe and effective.
2….And there are HUNDREDS of dangerous drugs and internet remedies.
Be Warned; there is some Good and some Very Bad advice on the Internet. Some internet remedies recommend using Boric acid. This toxic substance is a poison and has caused deaths. It has no place in anyone’s home much less in your body!
I will Honestly explain what works, what is safe and what is effective in treating yeast infection. And I will point out the dangers of other recommended treatments.
GOOD Advice is hard to find, but look for someone who has done their research, can prove it and will stand by their recommendations. The good news is that you have found it!
I can tell you honestly that there is a Safe and Effective, All-Natural way to treat yeast infection. I will show you how to SAFELY and PERMANENTLY rid yourself of yeast infection without drugs.
If you answered YES to any of these questions then I can help you. Did you know these could all be symptoms of a yeast infection?
If you are SUFFERING from any of these symptoms….take heart. There is a safe way to rid yourself of these problems. I am going to show you how you can break free from them. I am here to help you regain your good health and the life you deserve!
Symptoms of Yeast Infection, Candida, Thrush
Strange Yeast infection symptoms occur. Symptoms vary from person to person and one person’s symptoms can change from day to day. These symptoms may vary based on the person’s general health or genetic makeup. This is the one of the reasons that people have so many different symptoms.
75% of the population, it has been estimated, suffer from some sort of yeast infection at some time in their life.
To treat yeast infection you have to treat what caused the infection in the first place. The root cause. Everyone knows what a flare-up of vaginal yeast infection or diaper rash is. You get some medicine and it clears up, right?
You treated the symptoms but in most cases the yeast infection is still there. Unless you treated the root cause of the yeast infection you have not solved the problem.
There will still be a low level of the yeast cells present…Just waiting until conditions are right for another flare-up.
Most people don’t know what a chronic yeast infection is or the damage it can do. Many people become so accustomed to their symptoms they think their symptoms are simply just part of growing older or part of their lives.
It is a simple fact that yeast, thrush, and Candida can be cured permanently.
Once and for all completely eliminated. You can treat the root cause of yeast infection. And you can do this easily and safely in the privacy of your home. Even if your doctor may have told you differently!
Since natural cures can not be patented by drug companies, these natural cures are not profitable for them. They do not spend money researching them and do not promote them.
Drug companies are required by law to make a profit for their share holders, and are not required by law to make drugs that help people. This shocking fact is not common knowledge.
Western medicine, television, our doctors, magazines…everything conditions us to believe that repeated doses of this drug or that antibiotic or this medication can treat all our ills.
"You will feel better as long as you keep taking the drug". The drug companies want you to keep using their products. Over and over again. Do you really think they want to CURE YOU?…Or to keep buying their drugs?
Many of the treatments they offer are Band-Aids, masking symptoms, while the real problem is never addressed. Think VIOXX to treat arthritis. Premarin to treat menopausal symptoms. Insulin might be wonderful…..but it treats high blood sugar, not the underlying cause of diabetes!!!!
Did you Know there is something called "The Edmonton Protocol" that transplants Islet cells into the liver? It has been successful in curing diabetes. There has been NO DRUG COMPANY FUNDING.
Drugs…Drugs…DRUGS!! They simply do not treat the root cause of the yeast infection. They mask the symptoms for a while. The yeast becomes Drug Resistant and the yeast infection comes back even worse than before, with more pain, more suffering and the need for more drugs.
Yeast infections of all kinds have plagued humans throughout history. Long before the drug companies came along, people had yeast infections and had been curing them. Somehow in the past, people had been TREATED and CURED. That’s what I set out to discover.
I set out to discover a simple, safe but very effective treatment for yeast infection. One that is All-Natural. Not only did I want to treat the yeast infection I wanted to eliminate the
Of course I didn’t know if it was possible to discover this. But I set to work anyway and I can truthfully report I have "REDISCOVERED" those SECRETS.
I can promise you that you can have complete relief from your yeast infection in a few hours. For just a few pennies and using no drugs, In an All-Natural way.
As I said earlier I was a former yeast infection sufferer. I want to tell you a truthful, but slightly embarrassing, story. I was plagued with yeast infections…
Natural Cure for Yeast Infection - Get rid of Candida, yeast, thrush infection, Natural Treatment Home Remedy for yeast infection
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