Wednesday, December 25, 2013

[GET] Niche Flipper - The Ultimate System To Building a Vendor Website.

To answer this question, you need to know what’s in it. I can assure you that it’s unlike any system you’ve ever owned, or seen before. The Niche Flipper System comes divided into 4 Training chapters, in the Form of a vBook (which is an Adobe Interactive PDF Document) that allows you to stream the 10 Video Modules in Full HD from within the Vbook, directly to your PC, tablet or mobile device. It’s a whole new way of learning that you’ve never experienced before. Watch as I to take you by the hand and show you how to find profitable niches, spot their weaknesses, attract affiliates and build niche websites that out convert your competition! Now, let me break down each module for you…

In this module I’ll show you how easily find Niches you already have an interest and you’re familiar in, I’ll also show you where and how to look at critical data that instantly lets you know whether your jumping into a profitable niche or a complete time waster. I’ll take you back in time and show you the thought process of one of the niches I’ve conquered. I’ll show you the weaknesses I spotted and what data I looked at in order to determine whether I was going to jump into this niche head first or not. Watch as I reveal and breakdown the process of how I got this niche site to earn me over $300,000 in profits with a small startup investment of ONLY $300. By watching me reverse engineer this niche for you, you can understand what goes into a world-class info niche website and appreciate the thought process that went on while entering this niche so you can easily replicate the steps and be confident from the start knowing your entering a niche that will earn you MONEY!

In this module, I’ll show you how to quickly and effectively do your entire market research in just a few short hours. Now this is not some scan through the copy of your competitor’s type of market research. I’ll show you my proven formula on how to extract every convincing point of copy through specific websites so you can craft a killer landing page that your affiliates can use to promote your product. If your affiliates are going to invest the time to promote your product, you might as well hook them up with copy that forces more people to click through to your sales page and has a higher chance of convincing them to BUY RIGHT?

I’ll take you over my shoulder as I rip apart one of my most successful landing pages line by line. My proven formula for writing copy has been responsible for over a million dollars in affiliate’s sales and has without a doubt been one of the key factors for making my vendors websites convert like crazy! The best part is that you don’t need to be a copywriter because I provide you with easy to follow, fill in the blank templates that you can use based of the research you’ve done.. Arming your affiliates with well-crafted copy they can use for their landing pages will not only leave your affiliate happy by putting more money in their pockets, IT WILL DRIVE A FLOOD OF QUALIFIED TRAFFIC that will leave your competitors in the dust while you laugh all the way to the BANK!

In this module. We’ll jump into a real time niche I’m in the process of conquering. I’ll show you all the weak spots I’ve uncovered in the Niche and show you why other vendors that recently jumped in are failing to take it over. I leave no stone unturned and show you the Niche Flipper System in action! I’ll prove to you that I practice what I preach as I show you my REAL-WORLD strategies to hand pick a profitable new niche and start the process of building it right before your eyes! This is not some text book theory or swipe file that leaves you even more confused than when you first started. You’re going to get a proven strategy that you can chew on and apply to your new niche business today!

With over 10 years of outsourcing experience and over $1,000,000 worth of work contracted under my belt I can show you a bit about how to build a new, trust worthy and knowledgeable team at a deeply discounted price so you can quickly and easily create your Niche Empire. I’ll take you into one my elance accounts that I’ve spent over 100K hiring people to build out my own niche empire and show you how to leverage your workload so you can concentrate on the components of your business that are responsible for making you money. Watch and follow as I hire talent for copywriting, design, voice overs, videos and much more to build out a website for a new niche I’m in the process of conquering. With this knowledge in your hands you’ll have the power to jump into any niche with a low risk out of pocket entry so you can quickly recuperate your cost and start working on a new profit center. Once you’re new Niche website is producing money I’ll show you how to scale it so you can be the #1 vendor and raise the flag of your conquered niche! I’ll provide you with cut and paste templates that I use for all my projects to get you the lowest possible prices without sacrificing quality. All you have do is click POST JOB and watch affordable offers come in!

In this Module I’ll walk you through the different types of video styles marketers are using across different niches on the internet I’ll show you what videos I’ve spent thousands of dollars on…

Niche Flipper - The Ultimate System To Building a Vendor Website.

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