Tuesday, December 24, 2013

[GET] Offline Lead Pipeline - How to get more leads for your consulting business

Today I’m going to help you learn to become a well paid, highly successful offline marketing consultant.

Well paid – there are offline consultants who currently earn six figures Highly successful – a business that runs smoothly allowing you financial and personal freedom Offline marketing consultant – a person who is a beloved hero to businesses by providing online services they desperately need.

Do you think you need to be some sort of internet geek who is highly technical to be a consulting hero?

Because guess what: when I got started I didn’t have a lick of technical experience. And I’m still not a tech geek, web developer or photoshop wizard.

If the daily grind of your current job has you feeling frustrated and hopeless and you’d much rather be running a successful business, setting your own hours and making a comfortable income…or…If you’ve already attempted to do this but have been struggling…

Then pay close attention to what I’m about to tell you because I’ve been in your shoes. I was new and inexperienced at one time too.

I was worried about whether or not I really do it. But fast forward 10 years and my wife and I long since quit our jobs because I bring in enough money to support our family as an offline consultant.

I was in the same boat as every other new offline consultant. I struggled so badly trying to find leads that I thought I’d have to go back to “day job hell”.

Well, don’t worry….It doesn’t have to be that difficult for you anymore. You’ve got someone like me in your corner who can be your mentor, your coach and your cheerleader.

If I had someone like that in my corner when I got started I would have been successful a lot faster.

Today, I’m an authority in this industry and I hold local events where potential clients come from miles around to see me and ask me how I can help them.

You see, it doesn’t matter at what level you’re at right now. If you’re on the verge of getting started or if you’ve been struggling for the past year.

You see, there is more than enough opportunity in just your local area alone right now for you to make a lot of money right away.

I guarantee that I could drive down the street in your city and throw darts out the window and hit business after business that doesn’t know how to market online.

But the point where some consultants fail and others just plain give up, is when it comes to keeping the hot leads coming in so that you can always have a waiting list of people willing to pay you.

If you’re a beginner, I’m going to provide you with knowledge and tools to get your first paying client. That powerful information alone can help form the foundation for a successful business model.

So if you haven’t gotten started yet…or…if you are still struggling to find your way, I can help you find the right path to get going.

But even more importantly, and this is for everyone of all experience levels… I’m going to show you how I’ve been able to keep a steady pipeline of highly qualified leads flowing into my business, without having to spend a dime on advertising, knocking on doors or making a single cold call (what could be worse than that)?

What I have for you is my tested and perfected system. Because during my years building my business, I have tried just about every advertising and marketing strategy you can think of to bring in new leads and customers.

Even the strategies that worked weren’t perfect because they were difficult to scale or required a high advertising budget each month.

I had to continue to spend thousands each month on advertising and spend countless hours prospecting to generate the leads I needed to stay afloat.

Most offline systems I see being offered focus on a temporary fad that might give you a way to get the attention of a prospect, but they don’t teach you how to turn that interest into real paying clients and then keep your pipeline of clients pumping new prospects to you on near autopilot.

I’m giving you the complete system I’ve been using for years to have constant leads and make a steady income.

Google AdWords pay-per-click advertising can generate quality leads if they don’t close your account or decide to arbitrarily increase your click costs by 1000% or more like they did to me.

Traditional print and broadcast advertising can cost thousands of dollars without a guarantee of any real leads or customers. Same goes for direct mail.

Building a business that relies on Google algorithms and Facebook fan pages leaves you at the mercy of these companies.

So if you want the best ROI on your lead generation and higher margins…if you want instant credibility with prospects, and more customer loyalty…then you need my system.

And you need to learn this system before someone else in your area does. Otherwise all these hot leads are going to go to them and you’ll be out of business.

My killer system is what I call “Offline Lead Pipeline” because it creates a literal pipeline of leads into your business.

It’s the only system you need and it employs the only lead generation strategy I use anymore period.

The Lead Pipeline system is going to replace all the fads and gimmicks you’ve tried and found didn’t work.

It’s also going to free you up from the countless hours you can spend each month typing prospecting emails, making cold calls, printing flyers, posting on Facebook, creating YouTube videos, etc.

You also don’t have to spend…

Offline Lead Pipeline - How to get more leads for your consulting business

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