Thursday, May 22, 2014

Banana Putting Download

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WARNING: If you are not prepared to see a dramatic improvement in your putting ability, with NO PRACTICE at all, then please, do not read any further!

From: Paul Hobart, PGA Class “A” Golf Professional Where: Teaching Joe Member To Be A Putting GOD At A Fancy Private Golf Club in Ohio

I’ve heard all the lines before…change your game, drop 20 strokes, blah, blah, blah. I’ve literally spent thousands, on teachers, books, clubs, balls… you name it, I’ve bought it. And they all make huge promises to immediately improve my game with “simple” adjustments to what I was already doing. Like most golfers, I’m pretty cynical about anything that promises immediate improvement. Before becoming an instructor, I used to think that getting better just meant hard work, and lots of it!

Well as it turns out, that is one way to get better. I’ve played 2,000+ rounds and spent at least 10,000 hours perfecting my craft. But seriously, who has that much free time to spend perfecting minute details of their golf game?

Grab Your 5 FREE Video Putting Lessons “How to Make Your Putter Work! – Whether it Cost $3 or $300″ Special Report Now

I know what you’re thinking: this is another one of those empty promises… I’ve already read dozens of books promising, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I can play better golf with no effort… what makes this any different?

Hopefully those words above jumped off the page at you. Who wouldn’t want to putt better tomorrow? You’ve probably been perfecting a lousy game your entire golf career. You’re probably asking “how can this guy fix my game overnight?”

Paul’s e-book, Banana Putting, is simply a gem…a rare find in today’s golf instruction! Paul does not bore you with technique or what type of putter is best for you; he gives you a simple putting “blueprint”, 5 easy steps that anyone can master. My first time out this year after a long winters nap, I had 27 putts! My players partners where amazed, and yes we won the member guest!

In reality, it wasn’t really overnight. Because I took years to develop and perfect the techniques that seem so simple, it astounded me no one had already taught them to me. My friends and fellow pros have always been amazed at my ability to consistently make putts, and my students are amazed at how their improvement comes immediately.

The steps are so simple that even my friends easily missed them. I’ve made my system so easy, so straight-forward, there is no doubt you will be able to knock 5-10 strokes off of your putting, and your golf game.

If I didn’t know better, I would swear he had read my book! Although just like Woods, you will be able to make clutch putt after clutch putt, and do it day after day.

The best part is, these techniques require no practice at all! All they require, is that you start doing them!

This book will open up your “golf mind” to a new way of thinking about putting. No longer do you simply have to smack the ball across the green and towards the cup.

I’ll teach you a new way to look at and think about putting, in about the time it takes you to play 6 or 7 holes.

That is just one of the radical concepts presented in my system. Some of this stuff is so different from what you’ve read in books, and seen on TV. No one has ever told you to look at putting this way.

Everything is answered for you in plain English. Every step is laid out. There is no doubt this system works. Plain and simple. And if you follow the simple steps laid out in this book, you will cut 5-10 strokes off of your putting. That is my personal promise to you and I’m willing to back it up!

Just imagine the feeling of calm that will come over you when you sink that first putt using these simple techniques. How will that feel?

I just finished reading your guide book, Banana Putting, and can only say “EXCELLENT”! I thought it was extremely well thought out and easy to follow, and am looking forward to spending some time on the practice green employing the methodology you obviously gave a great deal of thought to. In anticipation of doing just that, I’ve already printed out page 58 and will put it in my bag as a reminder to follow your directions in an orderly fashion. Although there are no “silver bullets” here, the very straightforward list of the key points should be a constant reminder of the age-old KISS principle…. Keep It Simple, Stupid! Thanks again for sharing your expertise with me, and I look forward to a more consistent putting game in the near future.

Paul Hobart has written one of the best and most visual golf training tools in recent memory. His methodology and visualization using the banana shape as a focal point is amazingly simple and effective.

Golfers at all levels will certainly benefit from this book. I certainly have never been considered a ‘good’ putter but my confidence and results have soared by implementing the techniques Paul offers up in this book. All I have to do is go through the 5 simple steps and visualize what Paul describes beautifully for me. I have become much more aware of key elements that will affect my putt, some things I never took the time to assess in the past. The Banana Putting format helps take the mechanics out of my mind. That alone is PRICELESS!

I encourage everyone who struggles with putting or who putts well enough but wants to improve to go to the next level or lower their handicap to grab…

Banana Putting

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