Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Make Money Bartending Download

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Whether you already bartend, are fresh out of a course, or never mixed a drink in your life… you’re about to discover how to land your dream job making serious cash as a professional bartender.

If you’re sick and tired of pounding the pavement and want to finally put a stop to your endless, mind-numbing search for a quality bartending job, then you want to read every word on this page because what I have to share with you is very important.

My name is Jeremy Sherk, and I’ve been helping both rookie and veteran bartenders land their dream jobs for many years.

Well first off, you should know that when I started out to become a top bartender, I was exactly where you are right now.

My friends were rolling on the floor laughing when I told them I was going to get a bartending job that paid hundreds per night.

And they had every right to since I had absolutely no bartending skills and zero knowledge of drinks – heck, I wasn’t even of legal drinking age.

As a cocky teenager with no experience, I hit the streets and managed to convince a bar manager to give me a "trial shift". Man-oh-man did I bite off more than I could chew — to make a long story short, it was a disaster!

I spilt drinks, dropped glasses, and had a bar full of angry customers yelling at me for a drink. I even had to ask a customer to help me open a bottle of wine for him! — If that wasn’t enough, the manager had to jump in and handle the mob of customers while the owner gave me the coldest stare I’d ever seen.

They didn’t want to talk to me, they didn’t want to look at me, and they definitely didn’t want me to bartend for them.

Humiliated, I vowed to never have that experience again. Out of my frustration I proceeded to study every move of the best bartenders out there. I "devoured" every piece of advice I could get from them as I moved up the ranks…

Using their advice and combining it with my own trial and error… within a short time I was able to land any bartender’s dream job, consistently raking in hundreds of dollars each shift.

Every technique and secret I used is right here for you to steal, duplicate, and use to land your dream job and make serious cash as a professional bartender.

Look, I know what it’s like to be in your situation. I know what it’s like to apply to countless bars and not even get a call back. I know the feeling of hopelessness and despair from failing interview after interview.

I know the feeling of anger and frustration from dealing with lousy bartenders who give brutal service, have no personality, and don’t deserve to be there… knowing full well I could do much better than they could tending bar.

The truth is, becoming a sought-after, envied and well-paid bartender is easy… only if you know what you’re doing and go about it the right way.

It doesn’t matter if you’re already in the game, or you’re a novice just trying to get your foot in the door… I will personally help you with the best techniques, strategies, and "hand-holding" short-cuts available to land your dream job bartending.

Forget about working the 9 to 5. You have freedom to sleep in and get up whenever you please. Your shifts are generally four to six hours MAX. So you’re making twice the cash in half the time compared to most people out there.

You can get a full-time gig at a nightclub, casino, or sports venue – or hire out your services part-time for weddings, yacht parties, banquets, etc. The ridiculous amount of flexibility in bartending allows you to create the lifestyle you want.

Behind the wood, you put yourself in the path of meeting all kinds of people. Whether you’re looking to just improve your social life, hook up with the opposite sex, or network and make a business connection – being a bartender allows you to do this.

Everyone wants to be the bartender’s friend, everyone likes to be "connected" with the hottest bars in town. I can’t even tell you how much free stuff I’ve been given… from designer clothes, to NBA tickets, to free drinks at other bars. It’s unbelievable!

The opportunities you’ll attract are also incredible… from job offers at other bars, to investment opportunities, to free stuff from liquor companies… I could go on and on.

As a bartender, you can easily travel the world without a shortage of work. Want to go to Europe for a year but can’t afford it? Want to go live in an exotic travel destination? Caribbean? Jamaica? Australia? Cruise ship? The travel possibilities are endless.

You may not want to be a bartender forever, but the skills you’ll develop tending bar will benefit you down the road immensely.

The situations you’ll find yourself in while bartending will boost your confidence, problem solving ability, personality and salesmanship – all skills that will be with you for life.

The single most important thing you must do before you sit down to write one word of your resume. Follow this simple step and there will be an endless supply of job offers.

Rookie bartenders… learn my formula to scoring the job without any experience. In fact, I will show you how to get the job over someone who’s bartended for years.

Discover the most common statement I see on resumes that you should avoid at all costs. Knowing this will put you ahead of 90% of everyone else.

How to craft a head-turning "hook" that reels employers in and qualifies your resume for the prospect pile. What you discover about creating your resume will have you rushing to change it while you listen to the program.

The one and only way you…

Make Money Bartending

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