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‘How To Become A Professional Hunter In Africa’ reveals every strategy and secret I’ve learned hunting in the African bush as a Professional Hunter.
There are many things you can do to become a PH in Africa that may make a tremendous difference to your success.
‘How To Become A Professional Hunter In Africa’ details everything I’ve learned from over 30 years experience.
I’ve written this book as a step-by-step information resource to help you succeed as a Professional Hunter and succeed in the African hunting safari business.
If you are thinking of a career in professional hunting, then this book would be a great place to start.
Steve tells it like it is. A brutally frank discourse on a profession as rewarding as it is challenging.
Well done, it was well overdue in the industry and will not only put new Professional Hunters on the right track, but will also be used as a reference for those of us that has been hunting for some time. If there was a book like this when I started it would have made my first few years a lot easier, you say it the way it is! A book that will be referred to as the future Professional Hunter’s ‘bible’.
I was very lucky indeed in that my first few years’ experience which counted as my, somewhat unusual, Professional Hunting apprenticeship was in a more relaxed generation.
By chance I met and become friends with the now late Vivian Good who kindly gave me that Professional Hunting apprenticeship. He was not only an excellent PH but also a good man who gave unstintingly of his advice, encouragement, hospitality and friendship.
I struck lucky again when I went along to undergo my first formal Professional Hunter training and examination with Ian Goss of the Goss Estates Professional Hunting Academy in Kwa Zulu Natal.
A lot of flashes back into my life, if you know what I mean. It reads easily, it’s clear and very understandable. I can even use some of it in my life right now. The only problem with this e-book is that I should have had it about ten years ago!!!
Much of the information in this book has never been published anywhere else before. I’ve held nothing back – ‘How To Be A Professional Hunter In Africa’ is your complete, 242 page, step-by-step guide to success in the African hunting industry.
The scope and depth of knowledge required of an African PH is astounding and it’s something you don’t fully realise until you’ve read this book.
If I were a youngster and looking to become an African PH, this book would have to be essential reading, indeed, without it, the aspiring PH would need to spend a long time gathering the information contained therein by not only research but also by actual experience, and that sort of experience can take years to obtain.
Additionally, a client reading the book can get a most illuminating and useful insight into the business, gaining an appreciation of just what goes into organising an African Safari and the role of the PH. This will, undoubtedly, give the client a better understanding of what goes on, leading to a better, more enjoyable, safari.
The material herein is well-presented, and from the standpoint of on-the-ground experience, Steve Robinson is more than qualified to write it – it worked for him!
The reason for writing you is although I am an experienced hunter this ebook is the best resource I have come across, very informative and as the saying goes "you are not to old, or too clever to learn something new" this book contains valuable information and tips even to an experienced hunter. The "I know it all" guys can buy this book and find out that they do not know it all there is people, like you, that know more.
Thank you for an excellent resource, and I wish you the best with your safari hunting career, if you treat your clients like you have compiled this book they are surely in good hands and your mentors can but only be proud of you.
Steve Robinson’s book will provide essential guidance to the newcomer, and will also be a useful remedial guide to the more experienced hunter that may be experiencing some problems.
His passionate and non-apologetic approach to African Game is relevant throughout the book, as he concentrates on the subject of hunting rather than it’s continual justification.
This book is loaded with proven strategies, tips, and years of experience that you won’t find anywhere else!
You can access ‘How To Become A Professional Hunter In Africa’ for only $39.99 – about the same price you’d pay for a few beers.
I’m certain the information in this book will do a lot to increase your chances of becoming a Professional Hunter in Africa.
I think you’ll be inspired by this guide – and that when you begin using these strategies to start your PH career, you’ll find it’s the best $39.99 you’ve ever invested.
Written in a light but authoritative style the author takes you through the trials and tribulations of becoming part of (and being successful in) the African Hunting Safari industry. Well illustrated with colour pictures and peppered with his experiences as an Englishman who came to Africa some thirty years ago and made a success of life as a Professional Hunter and Safari Operator, the book really is an invaluable asset to anyone thinking of a career as an African PH.
But in truth it is more than that, it is an up to date insight into the world of Professional Hunting in Africa and will be of as much interest to clients and African hunting buffs as to prospective Professionals.
The book is entertainingly structured featuring not only the authors work but contributions from others, either directly or through links to the extensive Shakari Connection website.
From Cites to cisterns, buffalo to…
How To Become A Professional Hunter In Africa - eBook
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