Thursday, July 3, 2014

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NOTE:  If you’re looking for your big career break or perhaps your dream job, then the following is a letter you simply MUST read from beginning to end!

If you’re looking to get a break that could lead you to your dream career, or if you’ve tried desperately for a foot in the door, only to get knock back after knock back, you’re not alone.  And you’ve certainly come to the right place!

But instead of an invitation to a job interview, they get the cookie cutter, “Thanks but you were unsuccessful” letter, notifying them of job application failure.  In other words, they don’t even make it to the job interview stage!

If that’s been your experience so far, listen up:  chances are it’s not your fault.  Chances are it’s not your lack of experience or qualifications that’s letting you down.  It’s something as simple as your resume.  In fact, I’m almost certain it’s your resume that’s not cutting the mustard for you.

In other words, you’ve probably got one heck of a lot going for you in terms of the job you’re applying for – you just need one thing: the right resume representation!

You know – the kind of career you’ve wanted your whole life!  Not just a pay cheque, but an amazingly incredible career that fulfils you on absolutely every level.

I’ve helped hundreds of people achieve this, with effective resume writing techniques that are proven-to-work.

I found myself learning my craft and decided to ask friends and family for contacts of those that needed help and came across Trevor an out of work Sales Manager.  He’d found himself out of work unexpectedly and as for the job market – wow!  The game had certainly changed since he’d last applied for jobs, and the way resumes were done…well, it had changed a lot too.

Like you, he’d experienced all too well and all too often, the knock backs.  He was convinced he’d done the right thing with his resume preparation and job applications…but it got him nowhere.

Trevor spent many days sitting or wandering around aimlessly asking himself, “What is wrong with me?  Why can’t something as simple as applying for a job actually get me the interview I need?  Why can’t I get a job?”

He realised for the first time that there had to be an art to creating a resume worthy of him.  He knew he had the credentials, the experience and the runs on the board when it came to the jobs he was applying for.

But rather than just sit back and take the rejections, he decided to go out and learn the art of resume writing.  Not nice airy fairy words laid out all cute and nice on the paper – but effective, proven-to-work resume writing that would get him results time and time again, just as they had for so many others who had gone before him.

We couldn’t believe it!  You see, after all the rejections he’d had – rejections you’d understand too in your job seeking quest – he’d all but given up.

When I learnt the techniques of effective resume writing, I was sceptical as to whether it would even work for me and my future clients.  I was a true sceptic, but I knew I had nothing to lose – so I gave it a go, I applied what I learnt and…

That was a few years back now, and today my career path has led me to help others turn their dreams of career fulfilment and satisfaction into their reality.

That’s why I was compelled to put into a simple, convenient e-book all of my proven-to-work resume success strategies.  Something that’s easy to read, and something you can do in your own time without having to leave the comfort of your own home – or invest hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Now, I know, I know.  When you read “proven-to-work” you could easily dismiss me as merely blowing my own trumpet.  After all, this is the internet, and you see lots of horn blowing everywhere – Facebook and of course, sales pages.

That’s why I decided to enlist the help of a few of my many happy clients to share with you their experiences of how my “Pro Resumes Made Easy” system – the one this e-book is based upon – worked for them.

“Andrea, your book is amazing!  You don’t talk down to the reader; you just give them the info they need.  It is such fantastic value and chock full of vital information.  So much so that a person really can’t go wrong.” – Kerrie A, UK

“Andrea, after reading your e-book, all I can say is WOW!  I should have read this a LONG time ago!” – Henry D, IT Manager

And now YOU too can achieve job success by learning and applying what you discover in, “Pro Resumes Made Easy”

In other words, everything you need to do in order to turn your resume into a job interview magnet is in my e-book…

No way!  I’ve got all the arms, legs and pets I could want right now, so I’m not interested in that.

What I am interested in is sharing with you the proven-to-work resume writing strategies that have helped me, and also my clients, to score the job interviews and ultimately, the job they want!

That’s why I’ve decided to make, “Pro Resumes Made Easy” super accessible to as many people as possible.  Because all of us deserve happiness and career fulfilment.

For today only, you can get your hands on, “Pro Resumes Made Easy” for the one-time-only investment of just $97 $47!

By applying all you learn with my e-book, “Pro Resumes Made Easy”, you…

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