Saturday, July 26, 2014

Why Do Some People Master Lucid Dreaming While Others Sleep Through The Fog? Download

Photographic artist Bill E Lytton overlaid the faces of 32 of the most photogenic men as voted in a popular magazine. The resulting "average" face is shown here.

You’ve probably seen all of these faces before, but when they are mixed together they create a seemingly new face – much like the creation of your dream characters.

A writer and long time lucid dreamer, Rebecca Turner is the creator of the hit website She originally trained as an investment journalist in the city of London before emigrating to New Zealand to start her own online publishing venture. Her passion to share her fascination with conscious dreaming soon took over her work – and she became hooked on developing one of the most extensive lucid dreaming websites in the world today. Rebecca currently lives in England with her partner Pete and their one-year-old son Fox.

Stephen LaBerge is a psychophysiologist and a leader in the scientific study of lucid dreaming. He developed the Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) technique as a student at university and, in 1983, proved the existence of lucid dreaming in the laboratory – by recording the deliberate eye movement signals of a subject inside a lucid dream. LaBerge went on to found The Lucidity Institute, an organization that promotes research into lucid dreaming, as well as running Hawaiian workshop retreats for the general public.

These are all myths – propagated by genuine misunderstanding and misinformation on the internet. When it comes to exploring unchartered territories, there is often a lot of confusion and the truth becomes distorted.

Young children are able to teach themselves lucid dreaming using this intuitive method. Alzheimer’s patients with severe cognitive issues have had lucid dreams while taking their memory medication.

Since then, various studies have verified more of its features using EEG (brainwave) and fMRI (blood flow) data. There is no question that lucidity is a real and definable state of human consciousness.

Once you create the mindset to recognize when you’re dreaming, you can have lucid dreams for the rest of your life. I developed this mindset when I was in my teens – and today, teaching it is my forte.

My name is Rebecca Turner. I’m an experienced lucid dreamer, a writer by trade, and a natural teacher. Which is why six years ago I went about creating World of Lucid Dreaming, one of the most visited lucid dreaming websites in the world today.

Over the years, I’ve given structured lucidity tuition to more than 200,000 subscribers and some 7 million web visitors, and received a heck of a lot of user feedback in the process.

That puts me in the unique position of being able to effectively teach lucid dreaming via my home study course, to anyone, anywhere in the world, while fully understanding the biggest hurdles and mental blocks from which most people suffer.

In helping you rapidly develop the mental skillset and overcome common beginner obstacles, you’ll start having lucid dreams much faster. Soon, you’ll be able to enact your wildest fantasies, solve problems creatively, and communicate with your subconscious dreaming self – all in amazing realism and in the safety of your virtual reality playground.

I immersed myself in the techniques I’d read about. But something wasn’t clicking. I wasn’t having any lucid dreams. How the heck was this supposed to work?

Then one night, I had my light bulb moment. Through an intuitive form of night-time meditation, I found a creative way to DEMAND lucid dreams of my sleeping mind.

"I’m standing in an empty white room. It’s completely bare like a new house. The lack of detail makes me wonder… What is this place? Suddenly I realize, this is a dream!

The room surges into focus. I become fully conscious of my body and my surroundings. I do my reality check and feel my fingers push right through the palm…

Why Do Some People Master Lucid Dreaming While Others Sleep Through The Fog?

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