Wednesday, July 23, 2014

InfinIT Associates » Pay Per Click 7 Day Mastery Course Download

The last decade has seen countless successful companies and individuals migrate their business online and take advantage of the marketing tools Google provide.

As Google continues to evolve, they are modifying their search engine products to deliver more accurate more applicable results for the user or searcher.  This strategy is relentless.  Google are making frequent changes to their product in their quest for success. Unfortunately, this means that websites which rely exclusively on their free listed ranking for business will always be fighting a losing battle to stay in the game. Google’s now monthly organic search algorithm updates have seen some websites literally vanish without trace.

During the last years more and more businesses have quite rightly targeted their customers using more online marketing strategies. If you have not, its only a matter of time before you start to ask yourself the question “How do I get started and what will work?”. So what is the answer? How does a business market successfully online year after year without disruption?

PPC stands for Pay Per Click. Google AdWords is the largest and most reliable PPC product. Google AdWords was launched in the year 2000 with just 350 customers and became the first bidding style system to be developed. Today, Google still dominate this market generating over $100 Million per day from AdWords!

The 7 Day PPC Mastery Course is made up of 3 DVD’s. DVD 1 lets you watch over my shoulder as I create the first campaign to get you up and running, using videos to demonstrate every single step. At the end of DVD 1 you will be able to:

In the last DVD, DVD 3, you will refine your knowledge and learn a number of advanced techniques that will turbo-charge your campaigns utilizing Facebook and Linkedin PPC! Social Media marketing has rapidly become the fastest growing online marketing attraction because of Facebook and Linkedin. In this DVD, you can sit back and learn how Facebook and Linkedin can boost your business using laser targeted “disruption marketing” techniques to attract customers to your door. DVD 3 will teach you:

Linkedin is “the” tool for B2B (business to business). Getting to know and use Linkedin will raise your company profile for all kinds of opportunities.

So now, what do you think all of this knowledge would be worth to you and your business? $400? $500?Well if you thought anything over $300, you would be wrong. This DVD set retails at $75. Yes, for just $75, you will get all three of these professional videos available to instantly download! Fully backed by a 60 day money back guarantee! You are literally just a few clicks away from joining all the PPC pros and taking your business to the next level. Good luck!

This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google or Facebook, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by the same.

InfinIT Associates » Pay Per Click 7 Day Mastery Course

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