Monday, December 23, 2013

[GET] Hot Dog Carts Business Course Hot dog stands carts and trucks

ATTENTION: If You have a hot dog cart business or you are about to start one this may be the most valuable letter you will ever read…

"Discover How You Can Easily Start Your Own Profitable Hot Dog Cart Business – Today"

ou may be amazed hear that know that Americans consume over 18 billion hot dogs every single year? That’s more than 60 hot dogs for every man, woman and child in America.

I know you are thinking, “I didn’t eat 60 hot dogs last year.” And maybe you didn’t. But a lot of people did and a lot of people ate more than that.

And it’s estimated that over 10% of all the hot dogs sold in America are sold on hot dog carts from coast to coast. That’s almost two billion hot dogs sold every year from hot dog carts.

You’d never think the hot dog business could be that big of an industry, could you?

Hi, My name is Perry buy you can just call me "The Hot Dog Guy ". I started my first hot dog cart business over 20 years ago in Orlando, Florida. Over the years I’ve operated, owned, bought and sold several of hot dog cart businesses. I’ve become the "top dog" in the industry, as a matter of fact, in the United States.

For the first time ever I’ve decided to share everything that I’ve learned over the last 20 years in the hot dog cart business with you.

If you’re looking to start a business that is. The Hot Dog Business is….

The hot dog cart business is a great business for a number of reasons. Number one, hot dogs are in big demand. There is real job security. Like I said before, the hot dog business is great.

And it’s stable, with over 18 billion hot dogs sold every year just in the United States you can imagine the stability in this business.

This ain’t no trendy new business- Hot dogs have been sold for hundreds of years and will be sold for hundreds more. The hot dog has become an American standard and everybody loves one, especially from a good hot dog cart vendor.

Works even when the economy sucks – Because the price points are so low on hot dogs it’s pretty much a recession proof business. And in the kind of economy that we’re in right now you just can’t afford to be in anything else.

The hot dog business has unlimited income potential- You can grow your business as big as you want it. If you want to be a single operator with one cart and no employees you can do that and I’ve personally always earned $300 to $500 a day every time I’ve been in the hot dog business by myself.

You can grow your business as fast as you want- If you want to grow your business even bigger you can do it with employees, partnerships or even subcontractors that operate your carts for you. This is truly a scaleable business. It can be as big as you want it to be.

You can make a lot of money – While your not gonna become a millionaire from a single hot dog cart I know operators that make as much as as much as $250,000 a year in the hot dog business with just a few carts in good steady locations.

You can get started on a shoestring budget- This is one of the best businesses in the world to be in because you can start at the very bottom and work your way all the way to the top just by pure ingenuity, hard work and sweat equity.

The hot dog business is fast to start. You can usually start your own hot dog cart business in less than two weeks.

I promise you, you can make money your very first day. I’ve never opened a hot dog cart anywhere that didn’t make sales the very first day I was opened. And usually you’ll make back, 100% of your investment in less than 30 days. I’ve made it back in as little as a week in some locations.

The hot dog cart business can be started on a shoe string budget. I’ll show you how to get started in the hot dog cart business for less than $1,500.

Now I’m not saying you’re going to have the Cadillac of equipment and everything that you need, but you can certainly get started there. Then you can purchase new equipment and more supplies out of profits, not out of your pocket when you start.

I would really suggest that everyone start with minimal start up costs. It’s so much easier and so much faster. And while you’re learning you’re going to make a few mistakes anyway so it’s better that you make it with small cheap or used equipment.

You can always move up to the Cadillac stuff after you’ve made a few bucks to put in your pocket.

The hot dog business lets you be your own boss. Unlike almost any other business in the world the hot dog business is completely portable.

You can open when you want, close when you want, move when you want, and sell to who you want to sell to. It’s completely up to you. And you can change in a moment’s notice.

Now, just think of another business that has that flexibility. There aren’t many. You get to be your own boss. You call the shots and you’re in control of your own future and your own destiny.

In the hot dog business you can set your own hours. If you want to work mornings, afternoons, lunches, or just weekends, you can. You make the decisions yourself.

A lot of hot dog vendors only work weekends, some only work events, start part time and keep their own jobs. It’s really up to you.

There aren’t…

Hot Dog Carts Business Course Hot dog stands carts and trucks

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