Monday, December 23, 2013

[GET] Bronze Index Page CB

“…(I) put your pearls of wisdom into practice with amazing effects. I have created my own publications and now sell them on ebay. Money received by Paypal, info sent as a PDF file – job done, even while cruising the world. OK I have put effort into my business but the ideas came from you, and your  Course was the best investment I have ever made. Many many thanks, and my very best wishes for the future.”

Hi, this is Phil Gosling and in the next few minutes I would like to show you the Seven Top Tips that can make YOUR books instant sellers – from the minute they launch.

I’ve coached people for over 20 years and the REAL reason why only a smaller proportion succeed is NOT what they do right – it’s all about what they do wrong.

Most people think that a battle is won by the best general. That’s not the case. A battle is never won – it is lost by the general who makes the first critical mistake.

Get rid of ‘the wrong’ – and what’s left will work. Of course, if you avoid what’s wrong AND do what’s right – success is certain.

And these aren’t just my observations. I have many friends and colleagues both in the UK and USA who use these same ideas to not only create books they know will sell, but even create wonderful full time businesses that make money on auto-pilot.

Did you know there is no competition in the eBook business? Even if you published a book in the same field as mine, we would not be competitors, we would be allies who could each promote the other’s book! Isn’t that great?

That’s why I want you to succeed. I want you to win, because your success helps me grow too. For this reason I only want you to have information that’s important to you, and can help you achieve your dreams.

Even more important is reputation. I have been in this business area for nearly a quarter of a century. If I’d been at a university for that long I’d be a professor – from which comes the nickname. And I’ve build my reputation on integrity. That’s something worth holding on to, hence my solid, no quibble guarantee. I don’t want you to have anything that isn’t useful to you. If you don’t like this book and associated membership area, for any reason – or no reason at all – just go directly to my publishers – ClickBank- and they’ll deal with it straight away.

(You will receive immediate email instructions to download the book. You can also view it in the Bronze Area)

*ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

You’ve GOT to do this. I remember with absolute clarity the day I lost my job. With no usable qualifications, no prospects and a several small mouths and a large mortgage to feed – I had nowhere else to go. This wonderful business gave me my life back. Click the link below for IMMEDIATE ACCESS and take advantage of my special offer.

Bronze Index Page CB

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