Friday, May 23, 2014

Adventure Race Domination - Just another WordPress site Download

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Tough Mudder race, Spartan Race, Tough guy or whatever event you’ve entered, training IS a damn good idea!

It’s highly likely that you didn’t enter your race to QUIT! But on average 22% of participants FAIL to cross the finish line with their buddies, at events like Tough Mudder!

Here’s the thing, whilst these events are NOT really races (it’s all about the camaraderie right?)

You KNOW that finishing first out of all your mates would be something you’ll have bragging rights over for months to come.

HOWEVER, YOU KNOW you definitely don’t want to be the one getting the beers in at the finish for being LAST of your team to finish… right?

So getting in some quality training before hand would at very least save you the pain of being LAST, and getting some quality training in would give you a fighting chance of holding the bragging rights on being the ‘toughest’

On this page I want to show you that you don’t need to spend hours a day grinding out boring workouts

And you don’t need to get beasted by some military style bootcamp instructor in the local park either!

I want to show you an approach to training that goes completely against the grain of your traditional “run 5k and a bunch of burpees and crunches” type workout plan.

One that means you’ll NOT blow you knees out 2 weeks before race day, because of mile after mile of boring, bone-jarring jogging sessions!

To be honest with you, you are probably WAY more interested to know if I can deliver the goods right?

A training system that will transform you and your body to stand up to the rigours of ‘race day’!

At school I was a wrestler with an annoying habit of losing matches, but an attitude that simply stuck at it until I did. This year will see my 3rd decade competing in “full contact” sports including competing on an Aussi Rules Football team for last 12 years, and more recently got the bug for doing crazy adventures and tough physical challenges.

Despite the diversity of clients, the overall principle behind my coaching and training plans is simply this:

Outside of that, I’m educating other Fit Pro’s around the country to develop better training skills, with continuing education seminars and running my own certification program too.

BEFORE you think that I’m just another GYM RAT with unlimited time to train, I actually have the same constraints most normal folk have with a wife and family to keep me busy outside of the day job!

So hopefully you’ve given yourself AT LEAST a month to prepare for your event (if not you’ll need to really haul ass to get ready in time!!!)

If you’re worried about the time commitment to train effectively you’d be surprised by what I am about to say!

It drives me nuts going to the local gym to see folk spending literally hours on those damn treadmills, exercise bikes and cross trainers… followed up with a bunch of crunches on the mat for good measure. (these guys are the real GYM RATS spinning that wheel hour after hour, day after day!)

My goal in preparation for my first adventure race was to do minimal to zero volume of bone-jarring, boring jogging! As it turns out I only did ONE run with more than 1 consecutive mile in it… over a 6 week prep period.

And yet, I finished the 5km long course in 30 minutes, finishing in the top 5% out of 3000 plus competitors!

So cardio training should NOT make up the majority of your training, in fact you’d be better served doing practically ZERO cardio in preparation for your race!

One of the other myths about getting in shape, and ready for race day, is the need to join a gym and use lots of fancy equipment!

In fact, when people walk in to my place for the first time, they are a little ‘under-whelmed’!

Thing is, all that fancy equipment you see in most commercial gyms is totally unnecessary for getting in the best shape of your life and smashing that crazy adventure race course. All the fancy equipment is just marketing to get gym memberships!

I’m here to be your coach for the next 4 to 6 weeks, getting you in the best shape of your life.

For the next 45 days you’ll do SHORT, 30 minutes or less of work each day towards your overall goal. This is a small commitment on your part to achieve domination over your team mates on race day.

The crazy tough ones are not just a bunch of exercises thrown together designed to make you throw up. I ain’t in to that kind of beasting!

EVERY session and EVERY exercise is included for its effectiveness and programmed to maximise your results.

Despite the fact you’ll have me in your corner through your entire journey, showing you each exercise in detail, you’ll not need to invest in the hundreds of dollars I normally command for my in-person coaching programs!

Once you’ve registered you’ll find all the training materials you’ll need to get you going inside our private, online members area.

Even if you’re still a few months out from race day, it’ll do you no harm getting a head start on your training, and jumping on to this unique training program today.

Just click the button below and this program may be purchased at ClickBank, A Secure Online Retailer

Troy has taken the time to provide fantastic program design to help achieve your goals, but you must remember, it begins with you, the client.

If you for any reason don’t like this program and you feel it is not right for you, then simply drop me an email…

Adventure Race Domination - Just another WordPress site

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