Friday, May 23, 2014

The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Workout - Download

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Why Are “Expert” Trainers Screaming Bloody Murder About This Simple 4-Phase Workout That Sculpts Your Body and Gets You Ready to SURVIVE THE COMING ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE?

And if YOU have even half a brain… you’ll read and heed this urgent warning – and make damn sure you’re prepared for the coming zombie apocalypse.

All evidence–and by evidence, we mean “movies”—suggests that at some point in the very near future, there will be an outbreak of infection on a massive scale.

This sickness will be characterized by fever, internal hemorrhaging, and extreme weakness. All cases will prove to be fatal; but that’s not the worst part…

Evidence shows that the threat from this great epidemic is not just death, but undeath–in other words, those who die from this disease will rise shortly after with an insatiable taste for flesh, blood, and braaaaaains.

Otherwise you simply will not survive! Or, even worse, you’ll join their ranks as a zombie – for eternity, or until someone who is actually prepared bashes your zombie-skull in.

The zombie workout is the one and only workout specifically designed to help you survive and thrive during the coming zombie apocalypse – duh!

Seriously though, this kick ass program is designed with the most cutting-edge training principles in mind. Not only will it help with accelerated fat loss, but it also is a great conditioning program.

You can outrun them, outmaneuver them, outfight them. You’ll have the requisite strength to toss them around, or bash their brain-eating skulls in!

Worst case scenario, you complete this program and there isn’t a zombie apocalypse, you’re still in great shape. Well, actually, that’s probably the best case scenario.

First and foremost, the Zombie Apocalypse Survival Workout is a 12 week program that is going to sculpt you into a hardcore badass.

Whether you need to sprint away from a zombie, run long distance, or simply run circles around them – you’ll be ready.

Either way, if somehow the Zombie Apocalypse doesn’t happen in the next 3 months… you’ll be in the absolute best shape of your life.

It completely debunks what practically all “sanctioned” fitness instructors are still teaching to guys like you. I’m talking about “dirty little secrets” like…

You’ll even discover how to quickly infuse every muscle in your body with raw power needed to explode through any workout, anytime. It’ll be automatically “installed” in your body and there for you to access whenever you need it – whether it’s a monster workout… or…well… beating up monsters.

This instant way to “power up” your muscles is crucial in survival situations, and is one of the many things you’ll get as part of the Zombie Apocalypse program.

These lessons and the 4 simple phases are perfect for anyone looking to transform their bodies, rescue the hotties from evil zombies – and most importantly – STAY ALIVE.

And we’re not talking about being able to escape and outrun your old school, slow moving zombies – we’re talking about getting you in shape enough to survive the supremely athletic 28 Days Later, Dawn of the Dead type zombies. Simply put – as fast as they are, you will be faster.

Not only faster, but quicker, more explosive, more agile. And as much endurance as they have – you will have more.

Remember, most so-called “cardio” that’s being taught out there is BS. Walking on a treadmill or a stairclimber machine doesn’t help much…

Fortunately, your zombie adversaries still haven’t quite figured out how to climb walls, and with this portion of the workout, you’ll be prepared to exploit that weakness, so that you can humiliate them in front of their zombie girlfriends.

But in all seriousness, here is where you’ll discover how to gain total command over your body and perform feats of strength that make other guys (zombies included) drool with envy.

It goes way beyond mastering your “body weight” with exercises you might find in other systems…

At that point – you are going to find yourself face to face with zombies, with no escape route.

If you are weak, if you are out of shape, you will not survive, and that is why this phase was put into the program. It’s designed to give you absolute bone-crushing strength that’s undeniable.

Every part of your body with be brimming with power. You’ll feel it, and the confidence that feeling gives you is almost scary…

This final phase will help you take that next step so that not only will you be able to annihilate your regular, run-of-the-mill zombie, you’ll even be able to take on the zombie overlord, should he present himself.

I guess what I’m saying is, if you complete this program, you not only be able to survive the zombie apocalypse, you will be able to fight it, even save the world. Maybe.

But just imagine how it will feel having your name in the future history books as the man (or woman) who ended the zombie apocalypse single handedly – just because you were that badass of an athlete? Pretty awesome, right?

The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Workout is an advanced training system that turns you into a hero that can kickass — both now, and in the “end of the world” type situations.

From packing 20 pounds of muscle onto a skinny vegetarian, to getting a life long couch potato to lose up to 83 pounds in just 24 weeks, I’ve spent the last 10 years helping people change their lives and bodies. And in turn, getting them in the best shape of their lives so that they CAN survive any and all coming catastrophes, especially the zombie apocalypse.

When I first heard of the Zombie Apocalypse Survival Workout I hesitated. Apparently the thought of training with the image of brain hungry, super fast zombies chasing me around…

The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Workout -

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