Saturday, July 19, 2014

99thingscb Download

Imagine how wonderful it would be to have a deep, strong, and happy connection with stepchildren who don’t live with you full-time. Imagine being able to enjoy your stepchildren. Imagine meaningful relationships with them.

Hello! My name is Evelyn Fielding. Thanks for your interest in my new eBook, “99 Things To Do With Your Stepkids (When They Don’t Live With You).” I wrote this book while pondering how to create better, deeper relationships with my own stepchildren, my husband, and my daughter and extended family. My stepkids BELONG to me even though they spend most of their time 3 hours away with their mom.

Life is all about relationships. No matter how good your relationships are they can always be better. And stepfamilies (or “blended” families, as people like us are often called) face unique challenges. I can tell you from personal experience, strong families don’t just “happen” magically. And, I can tell you that there’s not much down-to-earth information that tells us stepparents exactly WHAT TO DO to make real, lasting connections.

You’ve probably read and heard a lot of vague talk about how to “deal with” your stepchildren. The “experts” tell you to “improve your communication skills” or “create job descriptions for everyone in the household.” They give general advice and you feel like you need a degree in psychology to make it work.

Those experts are pretty smart, but they don’t know the first thing about YOU and YOUR stepkids. They don’t tell you what to DO, what ACTIONS will result in lasting connections. And they don’t offer 98 other ideas if the first one doesn’t work out. So you feel discouraged.

Don’t be discouraged. Give “99 Things To Do With Your Stepkids” a try. And keep trying, and then try again. It works for me, and it will work for you. I searched high and low for a book to tell me “what to DO” and couldn’t find one. So I wrote this! Normally, an author would say, “Enjoy the book!” but in this case, I say, “Enjoy your family!”

P.S. I can also tell you from personal experience that working hard to bond with my stepkids has absolutely strengthened the bond with my husband. No matter what else happens, just THAT makes all efforts “worth it.”

P.S.S. Toward the bottom of this page I’ve outlined special bonus offers available to you when you buy this INSTANT DOWNLOAD eBook. Your stepfamily is worth 13 cents per idea!!

What a HUGE breath of fresh air your attitude and approach is to these situations. I am going to use your book for sure because you have great ideas to help connect with my daughter whom I see far too little of. I can’t say enough about how much your approach is simply beautiful!

I just recently joined ya’lls site and opened my email this a.m. to find a story that seemed as though I’d written it (years from now!) myself. I have tears in my eyes as I’m typing a response because it hits very close to home with me. It was refreshing to hear that I’m not alone and also that there is a reason for all these miles.

Stepparents generally do better when they have good information. This book’s “99 Things To Do With Your Stepkids" has the potential to make a positive difference in the emotional connection between stepparents and stepchildren in your family.

You’ll pay less than 13 cents per idea, a total of only $12.59, with absolutely no shipping or handling charges! This is an INSTANT DOWNLOAD electronic book. Get started strengthening your stepfamily in less than five minutes!

Did you know that some experts say two out of three stepfamilies break up eventually? (Source: Jeanette Lofas of There are many reasons, of course, but unfortunately kids/stepkids are often blamed. It doesn’t have to be that way!

Put aside all those discipline problems, arguments, and bad feelings and REACH OUT to your stepkids. Don’t be discouraged when they keep treating you the same way they did before. Keep trying! Action items 4, 8, 15, 21, 29, 40, 60, 62, 75, 88, and 97 are small gestures you can make that minimize the amount of rejection you’ll experience. Your stepkids will appreciate it, even if they don’t say so.

Are you one of those unlucky people who doesn’t even LIKE the stepkids? You love your partner, but the kids…not so much. Well, I’m not bragging, but my stepkids like me. I know because I asked each one straight out. And I like them. We have respect and enjoy each other’s company, and that’s just perfect for us.

How did I get to liking my stepkids? I tried action items 3, 8, 17, 25, 30, 34, 43, 48, 57, 66, 88, 89, and 94. Numbers 43 and 89 were successful. But I kept trying until one of those actions produced results.

Do you sometimes feel like an outsider when your spouse’s children visit? They get so absorbed in each other it’s like you don’t even exist. You feel like a stranger to both the kids and your spouse. You can STOP feeling like an outsider if you make yourself an INSIDER—an adult those kids can trust and relate to IN ADDITION to their biological parents.

No, you’re not “replacing” their biological mother or father. YOU are YOU, an adult “addition” for your stepkids. Who knows? They might eventually want to spend a little time with just you! But before that can happen, they need to know and trust you. If you try even ONE of my eBook’s action items 1, 7, 16, 43, 65, 76, 90, or 98, you’ll be on your way to becoming an insider with your stepkids.

Do the adults who live with…


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