Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Dollar Stretcher Store Download

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I needed to write to you and tell you how much I enjoy "The Dollar Stretcher". It has offered me invaluable advice and I frequently refer to it when I need help to make a budget and to stay on that budget. You have done a very valuable service for so many people out there who like me are struggling with their finances and I thank you for it. I am very grateful and I wanted to let you know that I do appreciate all the hard work that you put in. -Cheryl J.

Thanks for "The Dollar Stretcher". I am a single mother of 4 years with a 12-year-old son, and you have helped me get through a tough time, just knowing I am not the only single mother having a tough time. I have recently been able to build a home through the USDA and I know with what I make I would have never been able to do this any other way. Thanks for all the support from the single mothers out there. -Sherrie

I love the Dollar Stretcher because I always find useful information. The tips and ideas are sometimes new, and often "tried and true" methods that I may have forgotten. Thanks for keeping me inspired to get out of debt and live life to the fullest. -Ellen

I love, love, love, love, love The Dollar Stretcher! Your content contributors are my kind of gals! They seem old-fashioned, like me. I value the perspective and realism. Well done! -Cheri

I can’t thank you enough. My husband has always had the financial skills in the house; but he developed health problems. With your ideas and advice I have been able to develop my skills and help the family in the interim. Again thank you; you are helping so many people; its important work that you do. -K.L.

I was just reading The Dollar Stretcher and just wanted to write and say thanks for this wonderful info. I am on Social Security Disability for a long-standing medical condition, so my income is limited but my options are not because of great info in The Dollar Stretcher. I am very grateful for what you do. Thanks. -Joan in AZ

I just want to thank you for The Dollar Stretcher. I have told everyone I know about it! Four years ago I left teaching in spec ed after 21 years of stress and total burn-out for a GA position to pursue my doctorate. Without The Dollar Stretcher, I could never have "pared down" my lifestyle and been able to function on 1/3 of the salary I was used to. Although my husband stayed in his job, it was definitely a change of lifestyle for both of us. We have learned to live well and simply, and still have enough to share with those who are more needy. We have even still maintained our goal of never buying on credit, and purchased a car with cash and recently purchased a second home in FL! We hope to pay off our 1st home soon, and the second one before we retire, thanks to keeping things frugal and simple. Ironically, living simply has helped us allow for some splurges on occassion, something most people just dream of! Thank you very much for helping us realize what is truly important, and also to help us prepare for our retirement, which is only about 7 years away! -Patti

Click on the button above to purchase all eight books. You will receive a confirmation that includes links to download each of the eight eBooks.

These are pdf files and can be viewed on a PC or a Mac using Adobe® Acrobat Reader. You will be able to read these on your computer or print them on your printer.

You’d be surprised how much money you can save around your home. Put these tips to work and put the savings in your wallet!

The best ways to save on your personal finances. Don’t go shopping or pull out your credit card until you’ve reviewed these money-saving ideas.

41 pages of ways to reduce what it costs to feed your family. Great ideas on saving at the store or at your favorite restaurant. You could cut your food budget by 15% or more!

Don’t let hard times…

The Dollar Stretcher Store

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