Saturday, July 19, 2014

Fat Is Not Your Fault - When Diet And Exercise Aren"t Working Download

Here are a few video clips taken directly from the Fat Is Not Your Fault program. You will receive access to over 10 hours of videos just like these.

Here is a short summary of how certain metabolic issues can cause a decrease in energy production in all the cells of your body . . .

“Dr. Bryan Walsh is my go-to guy. His knowledge of human physiology and biochemistry is exceptional. His system of testing for – and correcting – physiological disturbances is second to none. On top of this, he’s a great guy that really cares for his patients. Seriously, Dr Walsh is the real deal. And I highly recommend his programs.”

“Dr Bryan Walsh has been on my personal advisory panel for a long time. I believe in using every advantage there is to help my clients (and myself) and naturopathic medicine has always been part of my approach. Dr Walsh knows his information inside and out — but more importantly knows how to APPLY the topic and help real people get better, faster results. Make sure you have him on your radar!”

“Bryan is the expert that experts turn to.  What had been “I don’t know” is now “let’s go talk to doc Walsh.”  From GI health, to adrenal function, to body comp to performance to everything between, being able to bring Bryan in has been a boon for troubleshooting and optimizing.”

When it comes to weight loss, there are no quick-fixes, magic supplements, or “Secrets your doctor doesn’t want you to know about”

“Don’t let the course title fool you into thinking it’s just about fat loss because this is the most in-depth and well explained program on functional physiology you could imagine.  Dr. Walsh does a fantastic job of systematically explaining all areas of physiology and endocrinology including the overlaps of all systems of the body. The course is literally like going through a graduate program…I have actually watched all of the videos 3 times and can tell you it’s completely worth what you would pay for grad school.” (D. Maresca)

“The Fat is Not Your Fault Program is extraordinary in that Dr. Walsh teaches you the overall picture of fat loss and all the little pieces that make up the whole of fat loss.  I own and operate an exclusive gym and am putting on a fat loss seminar next month and I will be using much of what Dr. Walsh has taught me in his modules.  This course cuts right to the point and will literally save you hours and hours of your own research and it will save you tons in terms of investing in your own health!” (K. Newell)

“I can’t tell you how much the info in the videos is opening my eyes to things I simply didn’t know to consider for many of my clients who are trying to lose weight, gain energy, etc.   Knowledge is indeed power and I am definitely feeling more empowered to assist my clients.” (L. Anderson)

“I watched your video and really enjoyed the “old school” whiteboard presentation. Since I am an old schooler it was nice to see a person talking to you and writing on the board – just like when I went to school! You were very clear, concise, and made a potentially difficult subject easy to understand. I would recommend your video to any of my interested clients! Thank you for sharing!” (K. Carriker)

“Love the videos. As someone with a good background with this stuff (Exercise Science, Certified PN Nutrition Coach) I learned a few things. The diagrams were especially helpful as well.” (M. Shields)

“Clearly you put a lot of work into this, it is very detailed video and quite informative.  I’ll have to watch it another 2-3 times to make sure I get all the info down.  Great…

Fat Is Not Your Fault - When Diet And Exercise Aren"t Working

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