Friday, July 18, 2014

Job Search Laws Download

When you fill out the online job application, your application enters a database of applications, sometimes called the automated applicant tracking system, or the online application repository. Most people know of it as the resume black hole. How many times have you heard of people filling out dozens or even hundreds of online applications without even getting one response back!

Automated systems sort and process the applications. If your application isn’t processed and brought to the top of the list of applications, it simply won’t even be reviewed by human beings.

The current hiring processes in America are broken. You need an unfair advantage just to get in the door.

I have watched it work for many, many people. I have refined it over time to be streamlined and so effective that you only needed to spend an hour or two per day using it.

The rest of the time, you would spend getting ready for interviews and taking care of things at home and with my family.

1. Your laptop or access to a computer. You can do this anywhere, from your home, from Starbucks, or even from the library, it really doesn’t matter.

3. Fifteen minutes per day to plan your activities, and one to two hours of uninterrupted, focused time to execute on your plan.

It is really that simple. But it takes an everyday effort. If you aren’t willing to spend time everyday (except Sundays), then you won’t be successful with this method, or any other for that matter.

Each week you will likely have interviews. You really aren’t even getting to first base until you get to the interview.

In a minute, I’m going to tell you exactly what my system is, and why it works, but first I want to give you a little background information that may get rid of some of your concerns, and blow apart some of the myths that you have been taught.

While out of work I read hundreds of books telling me how to create resumes, how to use social media, how apply for jobs, and how to spend hundreds of hours chasing possible employment.

Every guru and expert said they had the solution to getting me hired, and had example after example of those who had found jobs from their advice.

Using the advice in the books that I read, I adapted to each job application, I changed my resume (I have over 500 revisions of that one document alone), cover letters (each one designed individually for one specific job), and research information on every company that I was interested in.

Through contacting each company and following up on my resume, I began to piece together what was happening to my resume and that of everyone else.

I began to understand why the hiring systems in America are broken, and why most job applicants are literally sending their resumes into black holes.

Have you ever felt like your application was disappearing into the deepest black hole in the receiving company’s computer system?

Well the truth isn’t much different from that. Your information gets to their systems, but never, ever, comes out again.

I was furious about what I was finding. The issue wasn’t about my resume, it wasn’t about the competition, it wasn’t even about the recession or the lack of jobs.

There had to be a way to make this work—there were always some people being hired! Why weren’t they calling me?

I researched every resume I had sent the earlier months. I started to craft a system based on what I had learned.

I began to tweak the system based on results and actual practice, not theory, not hearsay, but real actual practice. I gathered information and I tried different approaches.

When I finally selected a job, I had a number of offers to choose from, and, when the unlikely happened, and I got laid off again—I was able to pick up one of those offers that I had turned down in the past.

My job search went from 6 months to under three weeks (it took almost three weeks to get the job re-opened and get me hired).

I have shared this system with numerous people. They have had similar success, even those who, like me had filled out hundreds of applications with nothing to show for it.

“I was getting nowhere fast. I attended a class that they provided for us when we were let go. The company paid over $500 per person to send us to the class, and it was informative and gave me some basic information about filling out resumes and looking for work. I got more out of your book than from their entire class. I hadn’t had a single interview, until I did what you said. Thank you for helping me get back on my feet.” Daryle from Washington

“Your perspective helped me the most. You have been there and know what it is like. I have read some other books, and they are written by experts that it is obvious have never filled out a job application before. I was finally able to put the pieces together, that really helped me get my job.” Tony From Utah

“I didn’t know how many of the jobs on the Internet just aren’t real. I had applied for so many of them, wasting so much time. When I applied for my first REAL job, and made arrangements for a follow up, I was hired right away.” Janet from Utah

There are a number of other courses out there and a lot of advice from those who have a job about how to get one. But most of it is based on what used to work five or ten years ago, before the recession started, before all of the companies started the Apply Online business, and before their databases were gorged with…

Job Search Laws

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