Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Main NLP Interview Product Page - Download

If you have ever been in the situation where you were knocked back for a job that you were quite clearly suited for or seen that promotion go to some guy who doesn’t have half your ability you already know being the best is no guarantee of getting the job.

Fact: The current economic climate has created the toughest job market for years. Competition is fierce.

Fact: 95% of Interview Candidates fail the interview in the first ten minutes before they have even started answering questions

You may have experienced a lot of stress applying for jobs, seeking promotion and just trying to develop your career.

And despite all this I bet you have seen those people that seem to get interviewed for everything they apply for and even worse they seem to breeze in to the interview automatically getting offered the job regardless of their ability or anyone else who has applied.

There are some common open lies and misconceptions that companies and recruiters like you to believe. Have you seen or heard any of these?

The present is just a big thank you for all you have done for me. I was flying back from Europe yesterday when it suddenly hit me.

A year ago I was bored and frustrated in a job I hated with a manager that had it in for me. I felt powerless to change the situation and didn’t feel I had the skills or experience to progress in my chosen career.

I can’t believe just how simple it was to apply your system. I have changed jobs twice, doubled my salary and now fly round the world doing a job that I love. All because of how you taught me to handle myself in interview.

The best part of it is knowing that now I have the skills and can do this again and again if I ever wanted to move on!

How would it be if you had the skills to apply for your ideal job, take charge of your career and constantly move your professional life forward despite the world economic situation?

Imagine knowing that you don’t have to suffer bullying and incompetent bosses because you can just find a better job at the drop of a hat.

Think about that HR representative giving you the company loyalty speech and you respond by sitting there saying loyalty works both ways and asking them what the company is doing to convince you to stay working for them.

Would you feel safer, more in control and free from the rat race if you knew you had the skills to get great jobs whenever you wanted them?

The interviews were fun and I still remember the look on the interviewer’s face when I explained how I could out perform all the other candidates because I lacked experience. They agreed with me.

When I told the one company that I would not be taking their offer they begged me to reconsider. In the space of a month I went from constant rejection to being offered two dream jobs.

I use the words CV because I live in the UK. For our purposes Resumes and CVs are interchangeable and are just a hypnotic sales document designed to get employers desperate to have you come along to be interviewed.

NLP is a package of advanced psychological and hypnotic tools that can be applied to any area of persuasion. In the NLP CV Writing and Interview Skills Course we will apply leading edge psychological and hypnotic tools to every aspect of job hunting so that companies are begging you to work for them. You don’t need to know anything about NLP, Hypnosis or Pyschology to apply these methods. Often it is easier if you don’t know much as everything is explained completely in the course.

I have bought a cours from you The hypnontic persuation techniques applied to job interviews. I had been searching for a job for 2 years (or more), I was an engineer (well, I am!) with 10 years experience in my country of origin but I moved to Canada and passed some time far from work, first to learn better the language, then to validate my studies and then because I had a baby.

I had yet applied everywhere and I failed every interview, I even started to think that canadians were racists or sexists against me… (whatever!)

My case wasn,t as good as you tell in your recording, you say that some people succed in their 1st or 2nd interview, but I passed my first interview only one day after having bought your cours (I was desesperated in that moment!) so I only listen to everything and tried to do my best… for my 2nd I succeded the interview with the potential boss but not the one with her boss!

Although I was very excited about my partial success, I felt very bad, I thought your cours will have effect in everybody but me, but I also realized that I was better prepared for the boss than for her boss, so i thought that that could have made the difference…

Sorry for the delay writting you! Thank you again, the only thing that I regret from work is that I dont have the time to continue reading your emails as I did before!

I was new to NLP when I decided to purchase NLP CV and Interview Skills and I have to say it did the job!

I had been unemployed for about two months and struggling with re-writing my cv and projecting myself at interviews. Between using my usual sources I devoted time to the course and started to use it to change my CV and interview techniques.

Miracles do happen! After about three weeks I found a position using the skills I was able to develop (it was my first interview useful NLP techniques).

For me, it was a excellent investment and…

Main NLP Interview Product Page -

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