Monday, December 23, 2013

[GET] Never Run Out of CASH - Helping You Take Control of Your Cash : Philip Campbell

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You will learn the important questions. More importantly, you will learn how to answer them so that YOU never run out of cash.”

“This powerful, practical book gives you the key to business success. You learn the most important lessons of all to become wealthy.”

Dr. Joe Vitale Best-selling author of “Spiritual Marketing” and numerous other works.

"Philip Campbell’s book shows you not only how to manage the dollars and cents of cash-flow, but also how to manage your attitude and beliefs about it…. something I’ve never seen anywhere else. If you want to learn how to finally solve your cash-flow problems – get this book now!"

I highly recommend that you follow Philip’s step-by-step process. It was so easy to do. It made all the difference for me. Now I’m finally back to having fun growing my business." Ricky Hux, Owner and President Best Fit Solutions, LLC

“Never Run Out of Cash is a must read for anyone involved in business. Philip has written an easy-to-read guide with practical tips and strategies you can implement immediately.”

Understanding and managing your cash flow used to be a time-consuming, complicated, and frustrating task. Not anymore! My brand new online course makes understanding your cash flow SIMPLE and FAST!

Cash flow is an interesting animal. Sometimes it wakes you up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. Your mind is bouncing all over the place worried about how to deal with a cash flow challenge.

Sometimes you worry because you don’t feel like you really know what’s going on with your cash flow. Other times you are on cloud nine watching the cash come in faster than it is going out.

This business had a profit of $20,730 for the month but their cash balance went down by ($4,462). The question is why.

Another business had a loss for the month of ($12,306) but cash actually went up during the month by $25,053. The question is why.

This same thing is happening in your business every single month. Pick any month you want and you will see the same thing is true.

Would it be a smart business practice to be able to explain what happened to your cash each month?

I have used my 28 years of helping business owners take control of their business to create a simple, 10-minute approach to understanding your cash flow.

All the risk is on me! I deliver on my promise or you get your money back – 100% guaranteed. I’m that confident in the power of this course to simplify your life and eliminate your cash flow worries. You love it… or I eat the cost.

If your spouse asked you “Honey, what happened to the cash in the business last month?” – Could you answer it?

Most business owners couldn’t. And they feel bad because they can’t. Well, that’s all about to change.

Imagine being in complete control of your cash flow every single month… and freeing up more of your time to focus on the fun stuff like taking care of customers and growing your business (not the boring financial stuff).

When you buy now, you get instant access to the course materials so you can get started right away (or save the materials for a time that is convenient for you). You get:

The video presentation of the course. This is a screencast that you can watch and listen to on your favorite device. I walk you through the step-by-step process and show you how to understand your cash flow in less than 10 minutes a month.

The course workbook. This is a downloadable workbook to help you get a fast start with the course material. It has all the examples and everything you need to complete your first Cash Flow Focus Report.

The Cash Flow Focus Report. You get the links to download the PDF or spreadsheet version of the Cash Flow Focus Report. 10 minutes a month with this unique and simple tool and you will wonder how you ever got by without it.

The slides from the presentation. You can download a document with a copy of each slide from the presentation so you can go back to any specific example or portion of the recorded presentation.

I’ll provide you with unlimited email support for any question you have about your own cash flow. As you complete your first Cash Flow Focus Report, I will be available to answer any question about what is causing one of your three large changes (or drivers) in your cash flow.

All the risk is on me! I deliver on my promise or you get your money back – 100% guaranteed. I’m that confident in the power of this course to simplify your life and eliminate your cash flow worries. You love it… or I eat the cost.

As a special bonus for buying this course, I will give you a FREE copy of my book Never Run Out of Cash. The book teaches you the 10 cash flow rules that will transform the way you manage your business forever.

You will see your business in a whole new light after you learn these principles and put them into action. Here are just a few of the skills and techniques you will learn:

ü Why you should never attempt to manage your cash from the bank balance.

ü The 4 secrets for creating cash flow projections you can trust.

ü How you can use the Peace of Mind schedule to create an almost magical feeling of control.

ü The simple process for ensuring your cash balance is accurate.

ü How to dramatically increase the quality of your business decisions.

ü How the Peace of Mind…

Never Run Out of CASH - Helping You Take Control of Your Cash : Philip Campbell

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