"How can a parenting book help build the self esteem of a child without first building the self esteem of the parents?" – Lisa Dunning, MA, MFT
Your child has done something you believe is inappropriate, but your spouse doesn’t think it is that big of a deal. You argue about the severity of your child’s behavior, but your spouse just doesn’t see things your way.
You ask yourself, "Should I discipline my child? Am I overreacting?" as you doubt your own ability to parent when it seems that no one is on your side.
Feeling confused about your ability to parent, you talk to a couple of friends or other family members, hoping to gain support for your parenting beliefs. After gaining support for your opinion, you feel justified and confident that you are right. So you quickly approach your spouse, saying "All my friends agree with me." as proof your spouse was wrong. Only your spouse doesn’t react the way you expected.
Instead of saying, "You were right, honey. I don’t know what I was thinking.", your spouse responds, "I don’t care what your friends or family say and I can’t believe you shared our personal family matters with them!"
Learning your lesson you decide to parent your child without talking to your spouse unaware that you have just given your child tremendous power. When your child gets upset about your discipline, your worst fear is realized when your child tells your spouse about the discipline you decided on your own. Another argument ensues and your spouse begins to completely undermine your efforts to parent your child by allowing behaviors you find completely inappropriate.
Your child has all the power! You and your spouse have none!
And although you may believe your child is happy, they are too young to realize how damaging your inability to parent together is to their academic development, future relationships and future success in the real world.
Many parents struggle with this issue: you are not alone.
But the reason you and your spouse struggle with parenting together stems from the most unlikely of places: YOUR CHILDHOOD AND YOUR SPOUSE’S CHILDHOOD. You see, parents develop unique parenting styles from their own unique childhood backgrounds. Those unique childhood experiences shape our perception of appropriate parenting. But your perception of what is appropriate can be very different from that of your partner. That conflict, if left unresolved, can have a negative impact on your child. So when most parenting books provide advice as if there is only one parent raising your child, "Good Parents Bad Parenting" provides experienced insight, practical tips, skills, advice, games and exercises to resolve the conflict, empowering parents to work through their relationship and differing parenting styles to raise happy, responsible and successful children.
Lisa Dunning and her husband, Brad, have different childhood backgrounds, resulting in differing parenting styles. By sharing their personal experiences along with Lisa Dunning’s experienced insight, practical tips, skills, advice, games and exercises, this book stands alone from other parenting books as an inspiration to all parents who struggle to raise their children together. Lisa Dunning provides parents with the tools necessary to work together as a team to raise a healthy, responsible and successful child.
Unlike other parenting books that tell parents the one "correct" way to appropriately parent our children, "Good Parents Bad Parenting" defines the three basic parenting styles and allows you, the parents, to choose how to appropriately parent your children.
"I have helped thousands of families over the years and I am confident my parenting book will help yours." – Lisa Dunning, MA, MFT
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Did you receive your list of Rights in your child’s school paperwork or report card?
Oh, that’s right, schools DO NOT want you to know your rights!
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"’Good Parents Bad Parenting’ answers all your questions by providing the tools necessary to discover what parenting styles works best for your unique family, your unique child and your unique situation!" – Lisa Dunning, MA, MFT
Good Parents Bad Parenting eBook Version
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