Wednesday, April 23, 2014

SWTOR Secrets - The #1 Bestselling Star Wars Guide Download

Believe me… It is not about the side of light or darkness – it’s about the pros and the noobs.

Whether you are on the side of the republic or the empire, it doesn’t matter because no one will bring along a noob on intense operations or space battles because everyone is busy watching their own back. Heck, they would sooner trust their Wookie companions compared to a human player because:

Know this… there are countless poor saps out there in the galaxy spending sleepless nights wandering around from planet to planet scavenging scraps with hopes that they will create a rare item.

Others fight battle after battle hoping to level up easily but after months after months of cutting and shooting, they still haven’t reached level 50!

Just when you think of missing another birthday party or hitting the Friday night clubs, your addiction for the game or for the rewards kicks in and a few dozen hours are gone again.

Your girlfriend/boyfriend screams or texts you with death threats if you spend another minute in front of the computer.

Your grades plummet or your employer notices those thick dark rings around your eyes again.

You look starved as you skip another meal or bloated as the only thing you do is click a mouse and eat junk food (how convenient since you don’t have to prepare or cook…)

You are a smart guy who knows better than to sacrifice your personal life and throw everything away just because of a game…

My name is Tony Sanders but I’ve been more commonly known as ‘T-Dub’ in the gaming world and I know why you are here.

Therefore, I’m not going to waste any time telling you how good my guide is first unless I establish some cold hard facts about my credibility:

I’ve also been a guide and mentor to THOUSANDS of players online for popular games like World Of Warcraft and every other Facebook game you can name.

I ride with the top guilds for every big game and Star Wars: The Old Republic is no different.

Hyperspace takes me from planet to planet searching for treasure and credits but with no avail.

But months of wasting time in MMORPG games has taught me that time IS money. (Yes, we do pay a subscription fee… so the sooner we win, the less we spend!)

I went straight to the pros and gurus of gaming like a young padawan to Master Yoda himself.

In just a few minutes, you will discover a treasure chest containing tons of important tips that will show you how you can easily dominate the game and gain complete mastery over your class even if you are just a newbie padawan without a license to swing a light saber!

Yes, I’ve already anticipated your question with my ‘powers of The Force’…

I just want you to be clear that only winners are allowed to read beyond this point as I wouldn’t want to waste the other group’s time.

If you intend to ‘try out’ every single class in the game, chances are… you will be a jack of all trades and a master of none – it’s like trying to master the light and the dark side at the same time.

Many guides out there only offer ‘generic’ information and they think that by slapping a few generic tips together, they will pass it off as a guide forgetting that SWTOR is story driven and highly geared towards building a specific class.

You may think that it’s almost impossible for one man to compile so many guides, but believe me – it’s already been done and it’s all here for you to enjoy the fruits of my labor!

Imagine having complete step by step gaming guides containing all of the tips and tricks the pros have hidden away from you for your favorite class and learn how to master this within a very short period of time.

It doesn’t matter if you are a Padawan Newbie Or A Seasoned Jedi Grandmaster – this guide is for you if you want to max out your character level, deck yourself full with credits and items, get the best starships and utterly dominate all the operations.

Are you drooling already? Pick your class right now and grab any one at a LOW price of $27 only!

Everybody needs to make a choice. But I certainly hope…

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SWTOR Secrets - The #1 Bestselling Star Wars Guide

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