Saturday, April 5, 2014

Small Dojo Big Profits - Martial Arts Business Success Done Right Download

Find out how to finance a martial arts school with zero credit, including how much starting capital you’ll need, and where to get it when the banks say “no.”

Once you open your doors, you’ll need to fill your floor with students. Discover martial arts school marketing that works in the real world, right now.

Even good instructors can lose their schools to poor planning. Find out how to avoid costly mistakes that could tank your school before and after you open.

Thorough, accurate, and realistic information on how to start and run a highly profitable martial art school is a rare find.

In fact, many of the people giving you martial arts business advice today have never even owned a studio. And, many others have never actually run a profitable studio.

Yet, Small Dojo Big Profits is different. As a career martial arts instructor, I wrote it from the perspective of experiencing failure, then finding the formula for long-term success in starting and running a highly profitable martial arts school.

And in this revised and updated edition, I’ve included additional knowledge gained over the last ten years of opening and growing two more successful studios in the midst of the economic recession.

I can assure you, it’s the the 100% honest truth about starting and running your own highly profitable martial art school.

No prior business experience is required (although it is helpful, I assume that you are starting out just like I did, with no prior experience). All you need to do is follow the directions in the manual. And, using my methods you won’t need a big commitment of time or money to get started.

Hundreds of martial arts school owners have relied on this information while starting their own schools, and thousands more have been completely satisfied with their purchase of my manual and materials.

Read on to find out why over the last ten years I’ve become the most trusted martial arts school start-up and “dojo rescue” expert in the industry…

For over a decade I’ve been advising and coaching martial arts school owners on how to start and run small, mega-efficient, highly profitable martial arts schools. The methods I teach today are based on 20+ years of real-world experience starting, growing, and running three successful small studios.

I was running a small dojo and barely getting by in addition to working a day job. Mike was working with me to help get things moving and then the worst thing happened that could.

We experienced a Hurricane in my town and while my Dojo made it through ok, my numbers didn’t. With Small Dojo Big Profits and Mike’s help, I not only grew my numbers back but was able within 6 months to leave my day job!

If you have the drive and desire to succeed but lack the knowledge, then Michael Massie is the friend for you. Why do I say friend and not consultant? Because Small Dojo Big Profits is like having Mike in your corner and by your side 24/7 like a close friend.

Without a doubt, Small Dojo Big Profits is the most thorough and complete martial art business manual ever written. This manual was created from start to finish to contain everything a martial arts instructors needs to know about running a highly profitable studio.

Every topic that a new or struggling martial arts school owner needs to know is in here. This book covers every aspect of starting and running a low-overhead, high profit martial arts studio, from A-to-Z… nothing has been left out or held back.

When I opened my doors in 2007 I was competing with 12 other established schools. Here we are 6 years later and I am still in business while my competition has dwindled to 5.

I think it says a lot to not only survive, but grow my business, while many of my competitors were going out of business. I attribute that to many of the business principals you are constantly espousing in your work. I am continued proof that what you do works.

You can have financial success and also have a life outside of your school. Stop chasing the big school dream, and start chasing YOUR dreams. I’ll show you how.

Integrity. It’s how you sleep soundly at night. You can make a great living and still be a hero to the students in your school who matter most. It’s easy when you know how.

There’s no need to change everything you do. This system is based on universal business principles that work for ANY style. The only thing that will change is how you look at your business.

I bought Mr. Massie’s book a few years ago and continue to follow all of his posts regularly. Before reading Small Dojo Big Profits, owning my own dojo seemed very unrealistic. His book however made things very simple to follow. He touches on all aspects of starting up a school from A to Z in layman terms.

It feels like he is actually there with you holding your hand through the process. He doesn’t have you reading about complex business terms and procedures that will just turn you off.  He also touches on some of the pitfalls and scams to watch out for.  Once I opened my dojo, I can see clearer why he includes it. Everybody and their mother will try to call you to use their products and Billing companies.

I would highly recommend anyone read this who is wanting to start their own school. Also includes many great templates to follow and legal papers you can use. I hope this testimonial helps anyone make a clear and concise decision to purchase this extremely well written and valuable book.

Get the 255-page book in digital format. Includes PDF, Nook, and Kindle versions. Instant download. (Need a…

Small Dojo Big Profits - Martial Arts Business Success Done Right

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