If you are like most people, I bet it is more than you want to admit. On average, people check their e-mail 50 times/day and use instant messaging 77 times.
Interruptions cause the biggest lost of productivity, making you feel stressed and frustrated about not getting anything done.
If you get and send total 100 e-mails/day = 24,000 a year. If you take an average 2 minutes to read and respond to each e-mail that totals 100 work day per year.
If you are interested in learning everything there is to know about how to save massive time by organizing your e-mail, then this is going to be the most important information you’ll ever read.
So you start going through them, one by one, answering some of them, skipping others. I’ll get back to those later, you think. No time to read everything now, just the important stuff, right?
Hi, I am Frumi Rachel Barr, business advisor and executive coach. Over the last decade, I have noticed a big shift what my clients talk about. My overwhelmed executive clients are drowning in e-mail, feeling less and less efficient and productive.
These days, business people check their e-mail on average 50 times a day and instant message 77 times a day. If that weren’t enough, add to that the rise of texting all day long and this is all adding up to a lot of time, much of it completely wasted.
If you checked your e-mail 100 times a day, and spent 2 minutes on each email, that’s 100 days a year that you are spending on e-mail alone!
Even if you cut it to 1 minute per e-mail, that still adds up to 50 days- days that you could be spending time with your family, taking a vacation, educating yourself, or just catching up on your favorite TV series!
Our coaching initiative with Frumi has made a quantifiable difference to the performance of our regional directors and district managers. The program continues to be successful as a retention and attraction strategy for superior talent.
Frumi has a way of framing the obvious in extraordinary, life changing ways. She has done it for meon numerous occasions.
So much of our e-mail and other information arrives as an interruption; uninvited, unexpected and burdening us with tasks and expectations that we have not even been able to negotiate!
As a result, we now work in a constant state of multi-tasking, trying to balance high priority work with a constant flow of new inputs in what is often a noisy and harried environment.
Most people are failing to use the capabilities in Outlook, Gmail, or any other e-mail program that can help them regain control through more effective e-mail management.
You want to spend less time on e-mail and be more productive and effective. At the end of the day you need to feel like you accomplished what was most important to you and not distracted by e-mail.
The fact of the matter is, you should be able to spend LESS time on e-mail and be MORE effective and productive.
As you do, you’ll see your productivity increase, and have more time left over at the end of the day- every day.
Even better, you’ll start and end work with much more energy than before- to handle the important work, and to spend more time with your family and friends.
That should be the goal of every executive or entrepreneur- to be in control of their work instead of letting their work control them. Ultimately, it is about taking control of your life.
Even so, I decided to do a completely confidential survey where executives could tell me their own most candid needs and wants.
As I clicked the ‘send’ button, I remember thinking to myself, There’ll only be a few people who take the time to do this survey.
- A plan that will produce results, including having more time and experiencing less stress, immediately as opposed to months from now
At first, I didn’t think creating a new email management program was a good idea. Some of my business friends loved the idea and thought it could be a big help for them.
The thing is I don’t offer all the things I do to help business executives as information products, and I wasn’t sold on the idea of teaching what I do in an online course.
Now don’t get me wrong I’m like any other self-employed person. I do like enjoying the fruits of my labors. But making money is not the most biggest reason why I ever started training other executives. Not even close.
When someone emails me and tells me how my advice even helped them double their income and reach brand-new heights well, it makes me feel like all of the years of sweat and hard effort I’ve put in to refine my efficiency techniques is time that was very well spent.
The truth is, starting a new online course is a major time commitment for me and I already have a jam-packed schedule. Between business demands, private clients, and responsibilities to my friends and family, there’s precious little spare time left.
So I put the idea on the back burner for a few months. I thought it over some more and eventually I decided to try to make the idea a reality.
I shifted some things around in my schedule so I could dedicate more time to the Stop My E-Mail Pain course.
Then I started creating additional training materials based on the most common questions, comments, and complaints I’ve gotten from business people all around the world.
For example, in some of the course modules, I focused on the mostly frequently made mistakes made by business people that cost them way too much time.
Well, most other email organization programs don’t go into this type…
Strategies and Tools to Make E-Mail Work For You - Learn To Use The Full Capabilities of Your Email
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