Whether your rifle shot groups look like Group A, Group G or anything in between as shown in the figure above, the information I am offering will increase your Rifle Precision and thus improve your Rifle Accuracy! This information, for only $11.99 is not only the best bargain around, but explains in great detail the procedures and techniques use by the worlds best rifle marksman! Both experienced and beginner rifle shooters alike will benefit from the instructions and techniques within the Precision Shooting Program! Applying these techniques will ensure that when you take the shot, it will count!
If you own a rifle, you should be able to hit what you aim at! More so, you should hit exactly where you aim every time you squeeze the trigger. Accuracy or the ability to hit your target at any range and under any condition is dependent upon many variables. Number 1, before you can have rifle accuracy, you must first have Rifle Precision! Rifle Precision is the ability to consistently shoot the same way providing tight shot groups every time. Tighter rifle shot groups will allow more accurate adjustments to your rifle sights as you zero in your rifle at any range. I want to reinforce the fundamental of consistency which are the Fundamentals of Marksmanship!
Click here to Purchase the Precision Shooting Program for $11.99 and start improving your rifle precision now!
The shooter measures his or her consistency through the evaluation of his or her shot groups. Tight shot groups means that the shooter is firing their rifle the same way every time which will give reliable mean or average points of reference for sight adjustments. Before you can shoot accurately at longer ranges, you must eliminate the smallest shooting errors. Following the techniques with the Precision Shooting Program will provide the foundation for rifle accuracy at any range!
Using these techniques I am providing you, I have coached thousands of riflemen to improve their rifle qualification scores. It amazes me how the foundations of marksmanship have been lost over the generations. Recently I trained and retrained an entire military Squadron on these exact techniques with the focus being primarily on precision and shot grouping. The results were an overall 500% improvement by the Squadron.
Again, it does not matter what level of marksman you currently are, applying or reapplying these basic fundamentals will improve your rifle precision and thus your rifle accuracy.
The Precision Shooting Program is the most complete program that I have seen teaching the fundamentals of marksmanship. You have spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the sport of shooting. for just $11.99, a tiny fraction of the cost of your rifle equipment, you can utilize a shooting program that I have successfully used to teach rifle marksmanship for 20 years.
I also eagerly make myself available at the below physical and email addresses. I look forward to hearing from you and your experiences and challenges using the Precision Shooting Program. Please send comments and questions, I look forward to answering you!
I want to give you a copy of the Grouping Targets contained within the Precision Shooting Program. You can download all targets either in Adobe (.PDF) or MS Word (.DOC) Format. Free for just visiting this sight.
Each of these FREE targets contain 1/4 inch grid measurements. Contained with the Precision Shooting Program are the Rifle Scope Adjustment Click Conversion Table for scopes with 1/8, 1/4, and 1/2 Minute of Angle for ranges from 25 to 500 yards.
I have been a hunter for several years, only in the last 3 years have started reloading my own loads. Ive tried to increased my accuracy but never got it where it needed to be. With your program, it took me back to the basics that I had forgotten, and some new ideas I had never thought of. I have went from an average of 1 to 1-1/2 groups to sub-moa. My last three shot group was the size of a dime at 100 yds. Thanks for the new ideas and the confidence to shoot this good.
My name is Kelly Craig and my profession for the last 20 years has been teaching Soldiers how to shoot their assigned weapons. I have been a trainer of marksmen from 120mm Tank Cannons to 5.56mm M4 and M16 series rifles. These same Marksmen used this in Combat! The amazing part that I have found out is that no matter the caliber of the rifle, the shooter must stabilized the firing platform. With a rifle, that means YOU are the platform!
To be successful, every rifle shooter must apply the basic fundamentals Rifle Marksmanship of Shooting Position, Sight Picture, Breath Control, and Trigger Control. My Precision Shooting Program addresses in great detail each of the basic areas of Marksmanship and much more!
The Precision Shooting Program is a 60 plus page document in Adobe .PDF Format with 45 instructional pictures, charts, and diagrams. The majority of this instruction focuses in great detail on the 4 basic fundamentals of Shooting Position, Sight Picture, Breath Control, and Trigger Control.
Detailed understandings of these fundamentals are essential to eliminating shooting errors and achieving consistency. If you want to shoot more consistent then I ask you to purchase this program. You have a large investment in your firearms and their accessories. This program is among the least expensive accessory, only $11.99, you will purchase for your rifle, and one that if applied and practiced will provide the largest dividend.
Your program provided good reading, with many helpful tips and advice. The free targets with MOA adjustment squares were very helpful in sighting in my gun/scope, and improving my shots. It’s definitely tightening my group.
Hello Kelly. Just started to read and thumb through the book. So far the best I have seen and more info than any DVD. This is truly great stuff!
If you own a rifle…
The Precision Shooting Program
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