Thursday, February 27, 2014

[GET] Home - DOUBLE Your Church Attendance! Growth Evangelism Development Ministry Marketing

What is the one thing you MUST do this year in order to grow your church and prevent members from leaving?

STOP! Here is important information you simply MUST know in order to DOUBLE . . . even TRIPLE your attendance and membership . . . !

Imagine what it would be like … to lead a growing, vibrant, and relevant church ministry … !

Just imagine your pews overflowing every Sunday with excited, enthusiastic worshipers, worshipers from all generations, and from all walks of life …

Just imagine being able to add on to your existing facility, or build a new facility, without the burden of a long-term mortgage, with offering plates filled each week, giving you the resources to pursue an expanding, meaningful ministry or missions work within your own community … or around the world!

… or does it merely describe the vision you FIRST had — the vision you had in your heart when you first accepted God’s call to spread the Word, and to fulfill the Great Commission?

In the next few minutes, as you study every word of this page, you will become invigorated and excited with the prospect, yes the very probability … that your long-held dreams and visions are im-minently now within your grasp, regardless of how much you may have struggled or agonized in the past!

Stop a moment and picture yourself a year from now . . . five years from now . . . ten? Where will you be?

Or will you be a victim of the same old tired excuses, unable to change your church’s slow slide into spiritual oblivion?

Ministering to God’s people is not easy — and it’s not work that everyone is cut out for.

The technology, tools and information available now to churches, ministers, and church leaders today are phenomenal! There’s never been a better time to minister the Word and the Gospel to God’s people!

If yours is like many churches today (many of them old and established churches), you are probably currently experiencing one or more of these symptoms:

If you are like many (if not most) of the pastors carefully reading this letter, you are probably quite depressed and disheartened to acknowledge that more than just 2 or 3 of the above points accurately describes your present church — perhaps a LOT more …

But now imagine a NEW spiritual reality that emerges in your church … a new reality both as a result of God’s grace, and as a result of your own ministerial insight, wisdom and skill in applying the techniques you are about to learn …:

Now be honest with me … which church would you rather be a part of? Which church would you rather leave behind you, when it comes time to answer your next call?

You’ve probably driven by them yourself — vibrant, young new churches, churches alive with massive new building projects, churches with pews overflowing every Sunday, Wednesday, AND Friday, churches with excited, enthusiastic worshipers from all generations.

Churches with members flocking in the door from seemingly all directions, budgets, pledges, and contributions increasing by leaps and bounds, and the pastor’s name spoken with genuine admiration and respect among his congregation and peers . . . ! Now here’s the bottom line– In every instance, with more and more churches in the United States on the decline, closing their doors, and laying off staff, how do these new, apparently up-and-coming new churches and faith ministries achieve their startling, almost miraculous spiritual renaissance?

There’s really no other way to put it. There is no great mystery. The answer is simple, and it’s right there in front of you, IF you know where to look.

Just imagine what it would be like if you could turn your church, and your ministry, into the kind of place that everyone wants to be a part of …

Imagine learning how you can motivate and inspire people, and lift them up to become great Christians and church workers! Does that sound good to you … ?

Then look at this … To have a successful, growing, vibrant church, it is essential to observe successful, growing churches, and to learn from their most productive and successful methods!

Well, remember my mentioning the tools, information, and technology that are available to you today?

Tools and resources that up to just a few years ago were completely unavailable, or unaffordably expensive, out of reach of any pastor except the most accomplished and affluent elite . . . Right off the bat, one thing that you will WANT TO DO IMMEDIATELY is to subscribe to half a dozen or so of the many online church growth newsletters and RSS feeds, that will keep you instantly in touch with the latest resource developments and trends in church development and growth.

Scan these regularly. Along with your regular print-style ministry publications, these free (or nearly-free) resources provide an absolute goldmine of relevant, timely advice and information, all available delivered right to your inbox!

One important and valuable resource I recommend you get on the list for RIGHT AWAY is our own Church Growth Tips newsletter — subscribing is fast and it’s Free (always a good thing!) — just fill out the form below and click on the "Subscribe" button. It opens in a new window, and brings you right back here when you’re done — so go ahead (I’ll wait right here for you):

Now I won’t be flooding your mailbox with pages and pages of useless information – or information that you don’t have time to read, much less digest or use.

Just short, timely, inspirational snippets that you can immediately use in your ministry, just as soon as you get them.

So enter your name and email address above, click the submit button, and I’ll start sending issues to you right away!

Don’t wait though! Space IS limited, and once the FREE subscription slots are filled, I’ll be closing the list to paid subscribers only! These are tips, strategies, and inspirational reflections that you just won’t want to be without!


Home - DOUBLE Your Church Attendance! Growth Evangelism Development Ministry Marketing

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