Sunday, February 23, 2014

[GET] Off The Floor: A Manual for Deadlift Domination

And it’s not like I wasn’t trying – in fact, TRYING was all I did! I tried every single deadlift program under the sun, religiously following the instructions, just hoping to get a little stronger, a little bigger, a little better. I tried…

But no matter what I tried, I would always just end up injured and in the same place that I was before. I always thought I was making a little bit of progress, but then I would end up "tweaking" something and my progress was immediately STOPPED.

I went on this “roller coaster” for a number of years before stumbling upon a little known secret that skyrocketed my deadlift and my muscle gains…

This secret has allowed me to take my deadlift from 245 pounds to 605 pounds, and become a world record holder in my weight class for the deadlift (And in case you’re wondering, the secret I am talking about is NOT steroids. I am all natural and have the blood tests to prove it.)

And on top of that, as my deadlift numbers shot up, I started to pack on pounds and pounds of rock-solid muscle to all of my weakest body parts.

My arms, shoulders and back blew up practically overnight. I went from a skinny 168 pounds to a jacked 205 pounds and 10 percent body fat in the blink of an eye.

Since then I’ve achieved triple-bodyweight deadlifts in four variations and gone over a thousand pounds in partial-range deadlifts. I can deadlift 365 pounds with one hand or one leg. I’ve pulled 225 pounds for 50 reps in under a minute. My training logs track over 30 variations of deadlifts, and I sometimes deadlift five days per week. I’ve never been beaten in a deadlift event in contest.

I’ve shared some of my deadlift secrets with major publications like T-Nation & Men’s Health, helping guys all over the world add pounds to their deadlift and mass to their frames.

And these miracle results haven’t just been a one-time thing. I’ve been able to replicate these shocking improvements with all of my male and female clients.

And since discovering these deadlifting secrets, I’ve been able to skyrocket the deadlifts of “everyday” men and women in just a few weeks.

These men and women aren’t genetically gifted or even athletes for that matter. Most of them are between the ages of 20 and 60 and they work normal jobs while lifting with me just a few times each week.

The men continue to pack on more muscle in all of the toughest areas to get bigger in: Bigger shoulders, bigger backs and bigger arms start to pop up practically overnight.

And for the ladies, they can’t believe the difference in how much better their arms, legs and butts look after a few weeks using these deadlifting secrets.

I spent a good deal of time chasing a double bodyweight deadlift, but when I finally got it, I got something else I wasn’t exactly going for-a nasty groin injury. This injury left me sidelined from not only deadlifts, but a host of other exercises, as well. As you can imagine, it was quite frustrating, and I gave up deadlifting for a long time. It wasn’t until lifting with David did I consider letting the deadlift back into my life. After introducing me to Biofeedback Testing, David suggested I switch from conventional to sumo, and although I was dubious, I eventually acquiesced. He adjusted my stance and gave me some pointers before sending me off to load the bar. The result? A 10-pound deadlift PR in one day, after not deadlifting for about 6 months. I’ve since gone on to add 35 more pounds to my deadlift with no injuries, all thanks to Dave and his deadlift wisdom!

Several years ago, after buying and following a 90-day exercise program, I was left with significant shoulder pain that made it difficult for me to raise one of my arms over my head. Since I am a surgeon, I could not continue with this or any exercise regimen that had a significant chance for injury. I learned the biofeedback techniques and followed David Dellanave’s instruction and guidance, and began deadlifting. The first time I ever did a deadlift in my life was in October 2010, when I was almost 41 years old. I was deadlifting 135 pounds, and it was not pretty. I have continued to benefit from David’s guidance, and less than three years later at the age of 43, I have a PR deadlift of 428 pounds. More importantly, I have not suffered any injuries. My goal is to deadlift more than 500 pounds, and with David’s program I am confident I will reach that goal, injury free.

David Dellanave is a world-class guy and trainer who personally took me under his wing and helped me tremendously. I don’t think I was sore once, I looked forward to the workouts immensely, and I noticed a huge difference in the way that I felt. My deadlift went from 280 pounds to 430 pounds (at 185 bodyweight) in less then two months. I went from doing a few full pull-ups to 18 strict pull-ups. I learned the hang clean and went from 135 to 205.

I came to Dave after almost two years of CrossFit, which resulted in three injuries and a deadlift stuck at 285 pounds for over 6 months. My sole goal when I first met Dave: deadlift 300 pounds. I spent the next two months walking into the gym and having Dave tell me to do something that I thought was impossible. Sure enough, just like that, my deadlift went from 285 pounds to over double bodyweight at 325 pounds.

My frustation with being stuck, injured and not making progress changed literally overnight, on a cold Saturday in the…

Off The Floor: A Manual for Deadlift Domination

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