Friday, February 28, 2014

[GET] Learn to trade the forex in 60 minutes, easy forex system

"Give Me Just 1 Hour And I’ll Hand To You On A Silver Platter My Zero-Guess Work Blueprint For Anticipating Explosive Forex Trades"

Dear Friend, Just imagine, in the time you spend watching an hour of television, you could be learning how to trade the forex and best of all, be on your way to possibly some of the best trades of your life.

Fortunes have been made by top traders and the forex markets provide the potential opportunity to make some really insane eye-popping profits.

Due to the huge leverage in the forex markets, just a small movement in your favor and you can potentially make a 20-30% return on your investment in less than 1 hour.

I am not going to tell you my entire life story and go on and on about how I developed the Forex Profits System, but…

What I will tell you is that I have been trading the markets since 1990 and this forex system is the result of extensive research and real world trading. I also have invested tens of thousands of thousands to figure out what really works and what doesn’t.

I recently finished reviewing your Forex Profits system, and was so pleasantly surprised, that I thought I should share my thoughts with you.

I found after a week of back testing it (for random periods), that not only it worked well in the forex, it has worked impressively well in other markets too. Hats off to you, my friend!

My own favorite market is the e-mini Russell 2000, ER2 in TradeStation terminology. It is definitely not as liquid a market as, say, ES or YM. Yet just because it’s far less noisy than the others, especially these days, it is a much easier market to deal with– at least for me. In any one day of trading I can usually find a couple of profitable trades, while any losses are small and manageable.

What I particularly like about this system is its extreme simplicity. We often read claims for newly discovered systems with exaggerated statements on their simplicity. But this is the first one I have seen that not only fits the “KISS” definition to the tee, but also gives results! I have also found that the principles in your original method, including the Fibonacci, etc, can be easily implemented into this one, if desired. But as you have said before, why bother!

I think the major advantage of this method is that the trader can simply follow a worry-free, “mechanical” method of setting stops and exits. All traders should of course pay heed to the principles of money management every single minute.

As one trader who has been with you for many years now, I must tell you, Jeff, you have never failed to amaze me!

STEP 1: Look for a certain ‘fool-proof’ set-up on the MACD indicator. When this occurs you will have an early warning for the new direction of the market. At times this will get you into a trade way before the rest of the herd. (Hint: We are not simply waiting for the MACD to go above the zero line to buy)

The first step is designed to tell you if you should be a buyer or seller in the market This will put an end once and for all trying to figure out which way the trend is going.

STEP 2: Next we are going to look for a specific shape of a Japanese candlestick bar.(This is referred to as our ‘Setup Bar’)

This is a bar that is not talked about by traders as it is considered a non-event. They dismiss it as having no significance, but that is a big mistake because…

This candle-stick often precedes explosive moves and significant turning points in the markets. The kinds that can potentially lead to very healthy returns in your trading account. Don’t worry if you know nothing about Japanese candlesticks as I will teach you everything you need to know in 10 minutes.

STEP 3: All there is left to do is look for a ‘no-brainer’ confirmation signal. This gives you the green light to jump in and take the trade.

Like many of you I have spent(wasted) years and thousands of dollars looking for the "Holy Grail" so I could make a killing in the markets.

For a long time I thought that the higher the price-tag on a piece of software or trading course, the higher the profits. I also mistakenly thought that the more complicated and sophisticated the system the better.

Last but not least, I got the bright idea that more is better and that if I used 5 indicators that it was way better then one. I got so carried away that I bought 4 monitors and was watching 16 indicators and 8 different time frames.

I spent practically every waking hour looking for trades with my "Holy Grail" system and just became more and more confused. It seems like I truly created a "Frankenstein Trading System" that was not useable in the real world. Who’s the rocket scientist?

Listen, you are more than welcome to go down the path I did, but my 16 years of "In The Trenches" can drastically cut down your learning curve. It will also help you from wasting thousands of dollars on dead-end over-priced software and courses.

Like a Formula 1 race car, I have shed every once of extra weight off the Forex Profits methodology. Many programs add a ton of filler in an attempt to make you forget that the program is basically a bunch of junk.

We give you a hard-hitting no-nonsense trading blueprint so that you know what to do at all times.

In less than an hour you will be able to learn a proven step-by-step strategy for day trading and swing trading the forex markets.


Learn to trade the forex in 60 minutes, easy forex system

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