Over Ten Thousand Teachers and Half a Million Students Have Now Been Helped by Classroom Discipline 101 I’d Like to Buy Now
"You have literally saved my career. This was going to be my last year, I’d had enough of the stress and this year, in particular, with the battle it was to get even good kids to work for their exams…" – Keep Reading for more success stories below-
My name is Craig Seganti. I have been a teacher in the Los Angeles’ School Systems for over 20 years – I know how to get your classroom disciplined under any circumstance.
In that time I have faced any and all classroom discipline problems you can possibly imagine, including the ones you are facing now.
Over the years I have developed a classroom discipline plan which virtually eliminates behavior problems in any classroom. Which of these scenarios would you like to stop right now?
"Hi Craig, I listened to your audio tape at work, then tried your strategies the very next day. I’m happy to say that I’ve seen a HUGE improvement in my students’ behavior. I’m very easy going so it is sometimes hard to get my students to take me seriously. I found myself repeating directions several times. Not anymore!!" Warm regards, Pamela M.
There are hyped-up marketing whizzes out there and cutesy theorists who claim all sorts of magic but who don’t have the real life experience to back it up and have never faced the kinds of situations you and I have.
I have faced the toughest classrooms in Los Angeles, perhaps the toughest in the world, and have virtually eliminated classroom disruption and created respect in every case.
I am still an inner-city teacher in Los Angeles and go home relaxed and stress free at the end of my day. You deserve the same – there is no magic involved.
Look, as teachers you don’t want classroom discipline just for its own sake or because you are on some kind of a power trip, but so that you can give to the students what you have to offer.
And maybe you find you want to learn this from someone who does not have to be politically correct, but who has had to establish classroom discipline even inside the worst behaved classrooms found anywhere.
If you want a long term teaching career you cannot battle disruption, noise and disrespect every day and also get your message across without leaving school feeling worn out. I wouldn’t have lasted 20 years if I spent my time doing that.
Fortunately, at a fairly young age I developed a system of classroom discipline that was so ‘tight’ that discipline wasn’t even an issue in class; I spent my time teaching instead of correcting behavior problems.
That may sound too good to be true, but when you learn my principles of accountability and leverage it can be done. I am going to show you exactly how I apply those to eliminate behavior problems.
Let’s face it—you wouldn’t be reading this if your classrooms were the way you want them. Anything you learned about classroom discipline in college you’ve probably already chucked out the window. I don’t blame you – it doesn’t work!
Maybe you feel guilty because your classrooms are out of control, and think it is a shortcoming on your part. It’s not.
Do you know that an inner-city High School Teacher is rated the #1 most stressful job there is, topping the list over Police Officer, Air Traffic Controller, and Miner?!!
The reason is, as you may know, you are often given impossible requirements. You are told to keep rude students respectful, wild students calm, shouting students quiet – but how? By high expectations? By parent conferences? By relating to them culturally?
If these things worked then classroom discipline wouldn’t be the number one problem in education today.
Before we go any further, go ahead and sign up for my FREE Mini-Course: ‘Five Biggest Discipline Mistakes Teachers Make’ It’s a 5-part email course sent to you over the next five days. Discover the little-known success these adjustments will bring and how to avoid the critical mistakes that spell failure for any classroom discipline plan – and much more! There’s no obligation. It’s a free gift to give you a taste for what you’ll find in the full course.
Your first lesson will be delivered to your email box instantly. You can unsubscribe at anytime — but I don’t think you’d want to because of reader comments like these:
"It is so refreshing to read real life articles that I can relate to. I always look forward to seeing Craig’s no-nonsense, solution-oriented angle on various situations that arise in the classroom." – John L., San Francisco, CA
I am not going to give you a few suggestions for disciplining your classroom or tell you to show enthusiasm or say ‘be positive with the students’ or otherwise insult your intelligence with things you could figure out for yourself.
Finally—instead of discipline theories, suppose you could have a clear classroom management plan to handle every kind of classroom discipline problem and learn to bring any classroom under control—with all students attentive, respectful, and quiet.
Imagine yourself in the classroom day after day spending all of your time teaching to an attentive, orderly class. That’s why we got into teaching, that’s what we deserve, and that’s what I guarantee you are going to achieve.
Well, it isn’t—not if you have the real-life tools I will give you that have earned me the reputation as “Mr. Classroom Discipline” –the teacher whose students are in their seats at the bell, quiet, respectful, on-task, and attentive all the time.
Think about it. Knowing how to keep a classroom not only controlled but on task and attentive is the most crucial skill you can have, without which no effective teaching can take place.
It is a terrible feeling going into class…
Effective Classroom Discipline: Get control of any Classroom
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