Monday, March 31, 2014

Sales1 - Ditch Your Phone Bill Download

If you answered yes to any one of these questions, then this may very well be the most important letter you ever read.

Before we go any further, I need you to understand that what I’m about to reveal here WILL enable you to live a life without paying for phone services like a phone line or texting, keep your current mobile phone number, and call or SMS/texting anywhere you want in North America for FREE.

In fact, the more challenges you’ve had trying to get rid of your phone service, the more excited I am to share this with you.

“The moment I canceled my current cell phone plan and ported my existing number, I felt a comfortable sense of freedom knowing that my days being tied to another monthly bill were over. Saving $600 to $700 a year at the minimum is nothing petty; it will allow me to secure other financial investments.

My mindset has also changed and I now no longer feel the “need” to have my phone (ie. iPod Touch) on me all the time.  I spend most of time in locations with wireless internet and so overall, the transition has been wonderful. Also, I constantly find new locations with WiFi access that allows me to send and make calls/texts for FREE!!

The other day I went to my dentist and to my surprise I seamlessly used their WiFI with my Apple iPod Touch to make a couple calls. Do yourself and your bank account a huge favor: cancel your cell plan and switch to free anytime, anywhere calls and texts using the methods described by “Ditch Your Phone Bill”"

Joshua Jolley a has spent countless hours researching and testing how to eliminate phone services. He’s been living phone bill free for a while now. Living this lifestyle has proven to be both rewarding and adventurous.

Determined to stop paying for phone service, Joshua collaborated with friends and family to determine if this was even possible. At the very least, he wanted to see how he could reduce his phone bill if not eliminate it completely … an ideal reality.

Technology is moving so quickly, what’s the use of having to pay for phone service if you don’t have to. It turns out it wasn’t until recently that all the pieces to the puzzle came together. Now calling and texting for FREE is a way of life.

We share these facts not to impress you but to impress upon you that we are more than capable of helping you get rid of your phone service provider, along with communicating to you how to trouble shoot any challenges you might face.

Contrary to what many people think, I haven’t always lived with free phone service. Taking the initial step to cancel phone services with AT&T was kind of challenging to get past the idea of “not having to pay for phone service.”  We’ve been so trained to think that we’ve got to pay to use the phone that the idea of not paying for service can be kind of a mental hurdle.  Fear will rear its ugly little head … creating questions in your head that will never occur. “What about this… What about that …”

In fact, when I first started, I was probably very similar to you. I was a person with a vision of helping people save money, increase value of life and to improve relationship with family and friends.

When I finally realized that my journey would start with looking to reduce my overhead because of a loss of job.  The question was asked, “Do I need to pay for phone services?”  I overcame hurdle #1 which I will touch on in just a moment.

I actually researched, researched and researched … to discover it is in fact possible! I got past the fear of the unknown, uncertainty of switching to alternative phone service solution, or whatever else usually holds people back from getting free phone service.

Now that I had discovered the process of not paying for phone service, I figured it would be easy emotionally to disconnect from my current provider.

Surely, canceling my phone service to use a totally FREE system would be very easy mentally and emotionally … NOT THE CASE!

In fact, if it weren’t for my billing cycle coming to an end and being without a job, I probably would have been too scared to take the “leap…

Sales1 - Ditch Your Phone Bill

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