Sunday, March 30, 2014

Rediscover the Net (eBook) - Rediscover the Net Download

Malware, viruses, ‘trojan horses’, phishing, aggressive marketing and massive surveillance have quite a lot in common. All of them are using the very same weaknesses of an average internet user — combination of blind trust, lack of knowledge and a bit of greed. Learn how to bring your relationships with the Net to the new level.

PRISM, XKeyscore, Tempora, ECHELON… Who knows how many other ‘code words’ are in active usage now and, what is more important, what will be added to the list of spy programs in the future? Is there any solution to protect ourselves from such digital invasion in our private lives?

Short answer is — yes, but without guarantees. 100% protection is a myth, neither theoretically, not practically possible. With proper skillset and tools, you can achieve the state when blanket surveillance system won’t have enough technical and financial means to reach you.

I would like to warn you in advance about some important points… There is no ‘easy’ solution to this problem, first of all because the issue itself has already went far enough and became quite complex. So — no ‘magic pills’, no single click buttons solving your problems at once, no fairy tales, no prince on the white horse… Second — if you don’t care, no one else will do it for you. If you rely on others, sooner or later you’ll again become the victim of another backyard agreement between Microsoft and NSA (or Amazon and CIA, or Google and MI5 for Pete’s sake). That’s what you will have to develop — new behavioral model in the Net, new digital self.

I cannot guarantee that after reading the book and learning all the stuff you’ll be protected from invasive surveillance or various forms of malware. What I can guarantee, is that you definitely will be vulnerable to various digital threats if you won’t take some countermeasures.

For all early buyers of the book — 1 year updates included! All subsequent releases including minor and major updates — free of charge during the 1st year from the purchase day.

*) Sometimes, due to the nature of page and image caching mechanisms, the ‘Buy’ button does not reflect the actual price. Ignore the button text and proceed to the Order Form, the price will be automatically adjusted according to any special offer and/or discount.

Over 20 years of advanced IT, Telecom and Computer Security experience from support and development to systems architecture and cloud technologies trough network planning and systems’ troubleshooting. Quite a lot to share…

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Rediscover the Net (eBook) - Rediscover the Net

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