"Discover How In Less Than An Hour You Can Immediately Start Absorbing The Languages You Always Wanted To Speak Through A Tremendously Effective Yet Easy Step-By-Step Process They Didn’t Teach You At School…"
"Psychiatrist Reveals Novel Language Learning Secrets Very Rarely Found On Language Courses That Will Fix Those Foreign Language Words Straight Into Your Mind"
"How Not To Forget Vocabulary is a lively, informative guide to the use of memory improving techniques in language learning. Many of the exercises detailed in the book would provide a useful tool for both teachers and learners in striving to bring languages to life. Learning vocabulary is crucial to advancement in any language. How Not To Forget vocabulary teaches a skill that will enable the language student to learn words more quickly and to retain those words for ever."
Hi, my name is Dr Aman Gupta and I am a psychiatrist with a special interest in how to make language learning work better and faster for you. If you give me the next five minutes, I will show you how this very day you can begin to absorb words from foreign languages like a sponge, remember the gender of words and retain language not just for today but for a long long time to come.
You will discover how the nightmare of not being able to acquire a language that you have struggled to learn can quickly become a distant memory in a matter of a few short steps that you can begin to put into action in under an hour. I can show you how you can be on your way to speaking the language of your choice with a lot more ease and in less time than you previously thought possible.
You will discover how you can easily acquire large amounts of words from Spanish, French, Italian or whatever language you have always wanted to speak. You will also retain these words rather than forgetting them as you most likely have been doing. You can rapidly be on your way to speaking those languages that you have always wanted to speak.
For a second, I want you to consider how different things would be if you could absorb large amounts of foreign words like a sponge and actually retain them for much much longer than you have been doing.
Just think for a minute how your life would be so different if you could actually remember all those words along with their genders that you so badly want to and need to remember rather than forgetting them as you most likely have been doing! Would your goal of speaking Spanish, French or German be realized? Would travel become easier? Would it mean that you could pass that dreaded language exam once and for all?
So How Frustrated Are You With Forgetting Those Words Which You Only Learnt Yesterday?
Let me start off by asking you – are you fed up with continuously feeling your memory is full of holes? Are you frustrated with watching how foreign language words you spent so much time learning simply disappear from your mind? Are you tired of thinking how you will ever be able to speak the language of your choice?
Or worse still, are you just simply tired of feeling that no matter how much time or effort you put in you simply can’t grasp that essential vocabulary? It’s a horrible feeling isn’t it?
Let’s be brutally honest here. Words are the backbone of the language you are learning. If you don’t know the words you can’t speak the language – that’s about as fundamental as the truth comes. If you don’t know the words you don’t know the language and it doesn’t matter which language you want to speak.
Do you realize how important vocabulary is to speaking any language? Whether it’s ordering a coffee in Paris, asking directions in Barcelona or ordering a pizza in Rome the most important part of any language is words. If you don’t have the words you will not be able to communicate effectively.
I admit you can point to the odd item here or the one thing you want on the shelf behind but that really will not get you very far. The essential truth is that words make up any language and it’s knowing or not knowing those words which will make the difference between communicating or not communicating.
The unfortunate…
How Not To Forget Vocabulary
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