Friday, March 28, 2014

Lift Weights Faster with Jen Sinkler Download

Do you really, really want to lose body fat, but totally detest the things you’ve been told you “should” do?

Do you want to be able to see muscle in your arms, legs and abs, but feel like you’re just spinning your wheels with your efforts? Want to feel strong and capable, and excited to work out?

Specifically, do you avoid the “dreadmill” at all costs, and skip the joint aches and pains that often accompany long, traditional cardio workouts?

I’m Jen Sinkler. I’ve spent over a decade as a fitness editor, writer and personal trainer, and I’m passionate about providing information that will change your life in a way that doesn’t patronize or bore you (unfortunately, these often seem to be your options). I’m going to tell you why and exactly how my clients get the results they do. But before I really get into the meat of how to SOLVE this problem, I want to tell you why the problem exists in the first place.

I want to tell you why millions of people around the world are working their butts off with nothing to show for it. I want to tell you why so many people, just like you, have been conditioned to hate training, and in particular, cardio.

I get it. I’ve been there. In fact, it’s only because I’ve been there that I know how to fix it.

And you can. Because—here’s a shocker—honestly, you don’t have to put yourself through all of that to get the physique you want.

So, why does everyone think you do? Why have you been conditioned to believe that long, boring workouts and hours of time spent plodding along like a hamster on a wheel is the way to lose fat?

Well, perhaps that’s going to far. It’s not that I, personally, did anything wrong. I didn’t pull the wool over anyone’s eyes, or start a smear campaign trying to convince everyone to do the wrong thing in an effort to prevent them from getting the body they want.

What I mean is that the fitness industry as a whole is to blame. And as part of the industry, I share that blame.

Back in the 1960s, when in the scientific community first started to get really interested in fitness for general people (instead of just athletes), a huge number of studies were conducted in a very short time period. We collected as much information as possible in order to understand how to make the human body look, feel, and perform better.

The short version is pretty obvious: Because of some data that has been misinterpreted since the 1960s (maybe it was all the LSD?), we’ve been sold the idea that aerobic activities, such as swimming, biking and running, form the very essence of fitness. In mainstream media outlets, we are still told that traditional cardio equals fat loss and heart health; that it is the best and only way to burn off a donut.

Resistance training, on the other hand, has been positioned primarily as a bulk-building, bro-tastic activity that is a nice-but-not-necessary supplement to your fat-burning cardio routine.

ANot exactly. Not if you lift weights faster. That’s cardio and strength training at the same time.

Think about that for a second. For over 50 years, we’ve been told that. And, as a society, we believed it, because scientists told us it was true.

You see, lifting weights is, in many ways, better than traditional traditional cardio for fat loss, performance, and overall health.

But if you really want to see the best results possible, you don’t just need to “lift weights.”

And I mean that literally: you take traditional weight training exercises and do them faster, in every sense of…

Lift Weights Faster with Jen Sinkler

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