Tuesday, March 25, 2014

[GET] Colege athletic recruiting and scholarship advice for collegiate athletics.

Revealed: Athletic Recruiting & Scholarship Secrets And A Step-By-Step Approach on HOW to get recruited

"If So, Would You Be Interested In A Super Simple Athletic Recruiting & Scholarship System That Can Help You Get The Attention Of College Coaches & Finally Get The Recruiting Attention You Deserve?

From the desk of: Gary Hawkins I assume since you have found your way to this site, you are not currently being recruited to play your sport in college…am I right?

Well I’m not going to beat around the bush and tell you what you want to hear. In fact, I’m going to tell you exactly what you MUST hear. Here are the cold hard facts you must know:

3- If you are not being recruited and you think you should be, you need to get busy MARKETING AND PROMOTING YOURSELF TO COACHES…THE RIGHT WAY!

No magic pills or potions here…you have to roll up your sleeves and make contact with college coaches…and you need to make sure you do it the right way!

My son desperately wanted to be a college athlete. The problem was that even though he was a very good athlete, he was receiving ZERO interest from college coaches. That’s when I decided I would find out what it really takes to get the attention of college coaches, start being recruited, and ultimately start receiving scholarship offers.

I knew I had to roll up my sleeves and get to work! I began by reading books, researching the internet, and simply talking to anyone who would take the time to answer my questions. What I discovered was a pleasant surprise. I discovered that being recruited for scholarships is not a matter of chance, luck, or even being in the right place at the right time.

I discovered that being recruited for athletic scholarships is all about taking certain steps, in the right order…and making sure you do them the correct way! What I discovered is that for most athletes, being recruited for athletic scholarships really comes down to doing one thing…and doing it very well….MARKETING AND PROMOTING YOURSELF TO COLLEGE COACHES!

After this discovery, I quickly went to work on finding ways to contact college coaches ourselves and how I could help my son get recruited…and in the process I put together an extensive library of ideas down on paper.

A system I later titled How To Get Recruited For Scholarships…A Proven Step-By-Step System To Becoming A College Athlete.

The really good news is that this system is now available to you so that YOU can begin marketing and promoting yourself to college coaches…no matter what sport you play.

I read your book and looked at the sample resumes and letters. What a great great packet of information you put together. It’s very clear that there’s no magic or mystery to this process and I am sooooo grateful I found your material. I passed it along to my son so that he can get to work.

- When you should start making contact with college coaches (Page 54) – Which member of the coaching staff you should contact…this is critical (Page 38) – Why college coaches want to hear from YOU (Page 24) – How to know what colleges and coaches are really right for you (Page 32) – How to avoid common recruiting and scholarship myths (Page 12)

Are you aware that 97% of all high school athletes don’t go on to play at the college level? If you truly love the sport you play (and I know you do or you wouldn’t be reading this), walking away from your sport after high school is something you don’t even want to think about.

Thank you for your response and most of all thank you for all the work you have done to point young athletes like me in the right direction. The sample letters are worth more than the investment I made in your product.

Some online marketers will throw a bunch of "bonuses" at you at the close of a letter like this to "sweeten the deal" and convince you to buy. The problem is that most of them are cheap and outdated resources that you wouldn’t buy anyway. I refuse to do that. In fact, I have created just ONE BONUS for you that was developed specifically and exclusively to go hand-in-hand with my marketing and promotion system. This special free bonus titled "Proven Letters, Athletic Resumes And Contact Forms", will show you how to easily create your own athletic resume, give you example letters to send to coaches, and give you the forms you need to track your communications with colleges once they start making contact with you.

Glad you asked…and it’s very simple. It’s time for you take contral of you athletic future by using a simple step-by-step sytem to market and promote yourself to college coaches. It really is that simple.

Don’t sit around and wait for coaches to discover you by chance or luck. Don’t wait for your high school coach to make phone calls or send letters/emails about you to college coaches (guess what…it probably won’t happen). Don’t sit around and hope you get enough attention so coaches start beating a path to your door.

Take control of your recruitment NOW! Use my system to get on the path to being recruited starting today!

In addition, you’ll get FREE support by me by email forever. If you have any questions after ordering my system, simply contact me by the special email address I’ll give you. In the very near future, I’ll be forced to begin charging $99 or more for this service…maybe even more. By the way, my system is not some skinny 20 or 30 page guide. This step-by-system is a whopping 109 pages! Everything you need to know about the recruiting and scholarship process is included. Nothing is left out!

My policy…

Colege athletic recruiting and scholarship advice for collegiate athletics.

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