Tuesday, March 25, 2014

[GET] Sales Pages Explained - Create An Order Producing Sales Page...

When it comes to creating sales pages…I don’t know about you? But back when I started creating my first product, I would sit down to write but very little words would flow in the right order…so I needed an answer? It wasn’t that I didn’t know what I wanted to say about my product, after all we’re the creators of our own products and who best to let people know of what it can do, than ourselves.

I looked through website after website trying to find an answer, but still wasn’t finding the right help where it mattered. I knew there had to be something else behind it than just starting to write and hope for the best. Believe me, if you’re at this stage I can relate to that. I hadn’t a clue either when I first looked at creating my first sales page. I’d create a product and get it just right, then start into writing my sales page, then get my product online only to find out I’d generated next to no sales, “sound familiar to you?” Have you ever created a product knowing it was something of real value, but weren’t making the sales you knew it should be making?

It’s frustrating isn’t it…and to make matters even worse, I was buying product after product trying to find an answer, some of it was good advice, but some was really horrible advice. (You’ve probably seen this yourself when searching to find what works and what doesn’t when you needed to write that perfect sales page). For me though it just seemed to be spread to far apart, someones website or blog would talk about certain aspects, but would leave them all important pieces of the puzzle out…if you’re anything like me, you’d know that it would have to be in the one place where you could get instant access to all the answers where they would be laid out step by step, RIGHT! There’s really no point in creating half a sales page thinking it will do the job, when really it’s a place where we need to use to our full advantage and express what our product is going to do for the reader….so we need to get this right.

I needed them answers…so I made it my goal to go searching for the way online copywriters approached this. I literally spent weeks gathering up this information, but I finally figured it out and when I started to put it into practice the results blew me away. I’m not kidding! It was all to do with following a laid out system that anyone can follow…“and I mean anyone,” my sales conversions sky rocketed when I started making these simple changes to my sales pages.

If you’ve been struggling in this area?…then you’ve just hit lucky, because today I’m going to lay you out…

I know you’ll get a lot out of this course, because I began seeing a difference straight away. I changed out just two of my own sales pages by doing a split test and offering both versions throughout the web and watched my conversions rise by over 60%. When I saw what was happening, I’m sure you can tell how excited I was when I checked my PayPal and Clickbank account and watched the money pile up day after day…this give me a real buzz.

What you’ll love about Sales Pages Explained is the way in which you can apply it time and time again after you learn these 12 easy steps and watch those sales come in almost instantly once you send it out over the web. I’ll also show you in the 11 accompanying videos how to set the entire process of a sales page up. These videos will show you the quickest and easiest methods that are being used today that a lot of online gurus use for their everyday sales pages…because they know “Just How Much Time This Can Save Them.”

I’ll show you how to get your readers attention immediately, “how to lead them into reading the rest of your sales page,”  “how to keep them interested once you have their attention, so as they’ll read the whole way through form head to toe,” “how to trigger the readers mindset so they want more,” “how to use some simple techniques that are very effective when they arrive at your call to action,” but that’s only some of what you’ll get inside…remember you’ll also be getting step by step walk through videos showing you how to set all this up, where it will leave things so much easier for you when it comes to getting your sales page online.

Sales pages have progressed so much in such recent times it’s becoming scary! The need for HTML and web-mastery skills are no longer needed, and you completely show this in your course. You have taken a once hard task and turned it into a very easy one.

Your training methods are great, upon entering the members area, you have presented your reader with; not one, but five methods of obtaining information in the course. Video, Audio, Text and on multiple platforms which is great. It’s a take anywhere course!

Your content is well laid out, well executed and delivers exactly what is expected. This is a high calibre course Eamon.

I have to say you have really delivered with this product; I have always found it rather trying when using HTML editors to produce sales Pages but that is no longer a concern; not now I have this course!

We all know the value and importance of a good Sales Page because this is where we need to successfully persuade our site’s visitors…

Sales Pages Explained - Create An Order Producing Sales Page...

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