Wednesday, March 26, 2014


“Your Veterinarian May Have Given Your Dog 3 Weeks or 6 Months or 1 Year to Live but the Dog Cancer Vet’s Years of Research Has Helped Other Dogs Live Way Past Their “Prognosis Date.” Watch the FREE PRESENTATION on the Next Page to Learn How!”

Your dog’s body has nearly miraculous powers when it comes to fighting cancer – the immune system – and if you support those cancer-fighting powers so that they can GET TO WORK … your dog has a better shot at beating this disgusting disease. You’re going to learn how to free these natural body powers to really help your dog.

Certain diets – including those many of us feed our dogs – actually make it easier for cancer to take hold in the body. The truth is, there is a diet that works for dogs, and making just a few simple adjustments in what you feed your dog can make a world of difference in the way they feel – and how well they fight off cancer.

There are spices, foods, and herbs that have been scientifically proven to DESTROY CANCER – and they’re as close as your pantry, the health food store, or You’re going to learn which to use for your dog, how much to give, and how to get your dog to eat them – and love them!

Many vets give a prognosis based only on what they have seen or read in a book – in vet school, years ago! Most don’t have the time or the will to do what the Dog Cancer Vet has done – run a full-time practice AND investigate, examine, and run clinical trials to find out how to help dogs with cancer. Without knowing all the facts about how many ways there are to help a dog with cancer, your vet’s prognosis remains just a guess.

In human cancer, the goal is to cure the disease. Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are deployed with speed and full force to get the job done. Many cancer patients have heard: “We’re going to bring you to the brink of death before we can bring you back.” But we can’t tell our dog about how bad it’s going to get before they get better. We can’t get informed consent for the potentially painful and toxic side effects of treatment. Since most dog lovers … and most vets … could not bear to see their dog get so sick, in dog cancer the goal of treatment is palliation, or making things better, rather than cure. The bottom line is: chemo is not intended to cure cancer, and it makes most dogs feel terrible.

The average cost of a course of canine cancer treatment in the United States is $5,000 to $8,000. And while chemotherapy sounds like it should “kill cancer,” when it’s applied to dogs, it’s not intended for cure, only for palliation. But there are so many ways to treat cancer that don’t cost nearly that much! You’ll learn the simple things you can do at home – with much more affordable and available remedies – that can really help your dog. And they won’t have the ugly side effects of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery!

No matter where your dog is in the cancer treatment process, you can help him to feel better, right now. You just need to be shown how! The Dog Cancer Vet focuses on quality of life as a major goal in cancer treatment … an unusual approach for a vet. You’ll discover how to make simple changes and add a few extra strategies into your daily routine – so that your dog starts feeling better today.

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