Wednesday, March 26, 2014

[GET] Painless Potty Training

"Sick & Tired of Changing Diapers? Give Me 3 minutes & You Will Discover Guaranteed Methods To Say Goodbye To Diapers For Good."

Why? Because, like so many parents youve reached that next milestone in your babys development. The changes have come faster and been more amazing than you ever could have imagined on the day you brought your son or daughter home. Suddenly its time to chart that great unknown potty training.

You’ve heard horror stories- maybe even seen the battle of wills between children and parents- and worried how you would handle it when your turn came. And now, it’s here. It seems that everyone, from your mother-in-law to your neighbor has a theory- and feels compelled to share it with you. You so badly want to be a good parent that you listen politely- while on the inside you’re wondering how in the world you are going to get through this. What surprised me most was how this phase of my baby’s life snuck up on me. I wasn’t ready. Without even realizing it, my daughter was giving me all kinds of signals that she was ready for potty training. In fact, you’re probably seeing some of these from your own little one. Does your child-

If you’re nodding yes to more than a few of these, chances are your child is ready to start the passage from diapers and changing tables to pull ups and big kid underwear. Potty training- that oh-so-important, often messy, always challenging test of your patience that takes your child from babyhood into the toddler years and beyond. As you’ve probably noticed, there is no shortage of advice out there. But that can be part of the problem- you’re trying to balance your newly developed instincts and what you know about your child against what experts and well-meaning friends are telling you. The truth is, potty training is as natural a step for your baby as sitting without support and saying those magical first words. It’s a passage- one that you and your child will go through together. As I approached this time I had lots of people who were ready to offer advice- but I was still so confused – so unsure.

Like you, I was getting a lot of advice, and not much else. Everyone had a theory and an ideal age to start- but I wasn’t so sure. Was my daughter ready? How would I know for sure? More importantly, what was I actually supposed to do to train her? When you read Painless Potty Training, you’ll get answers to these questions and many more. You’ll find a frank, open discussion about the many different methods you can use to potty train your child – and the pros and cons of each. Luckily there are more options than ever before- and you’re sure to find one that suits both your son or daughter and your lifestyle and schedule.

My favorite tips for dealing with potty training (and its mishaps) I got from other parents- many who had been through the challenges of this experience already, others who were dealing with it just as I was. It’s these practical, real-world coping strategies that you’ll find at the heart of Painless Potty Training. When it comes to potty training, preparation is everything. Inside Painless Potty Training you’ll learn what you need to buy and see how to get yourself and your child ready. What’s more, you’ll find tips on dressing for training success, how to handle resistance and deal with accidents. There’s even a wonderful list of bathroom readingfor your child. You should know I’m not a pediatrician or a nurse. In fact, I’m not a medical professional at all. I’m a writer who also happens to be the mother of a beautiful two and a half year old. The trouble was, until Painless Potty Training, there was no source of up-to-the-minute potty training information that was simply written and easy to understand, packed with proven techniques to help manage the challenges we face during the transition from diapers to big kidstatus. I wrote Painless Potty Training for all of us – moms and dads (grandparents, aunts, uncles, caregivers too) everywhere who need the latest information, and practical, hands-on advice to help them cope with this completely natural, absolutely unavoidable part of childhood.

For now though, you’re trying to gear up for this big change- you’re hearing advice from everywhere- the news brings conflicting studies and theories. It’s hard to know what to do. While the ultimate decision about how you train your child is yours alone, Painless Potty Training is ready with all the details (pros and cons, too) on the most current, most up to date methods in use today. You’ll learn how to spot readiness signals from your child, what you should have on hand before you start, and what you’ll need to know to train boys and girls. Written by a parent- for parents, it’s a quick read (we’re all busy!) that helps you get a thorough understanding of the facts- straight talk, no hype. What’s more, Painless Potty Training brings you tried-and-true tips and tricks that will make it easier for your child master this new skill, and help you keep a hold on your sanity (and your patience) as they do. You’ll find a list of bathroom readingthat’s kid approved, tips on dressing for success and staying dry at night. There’s straight talk about setbacks and regression, the child who resists the whole idea, as well as a section on traveling while training. In fact, Painless Potty Training is based on a careful, thorough review of the latest pediatric research and medical thinking. Beyond a discussion of the most popular methods of potty training, there’s a section of frequently asked questions that address some real world concerns about this often challenging, but completely natural, transition in your child’s life. Using the proven tips and techniques in this book…

Painless Potty Training

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