Wednesday, March 26, 2014

[GET] Fatima and Marian Apparitions

WARNING: Make sure you download the report today but remember some of the content in this report is of a sensitive nature and may not be suitable for all audiences so please be careful with whom you share this with.

This 15 minute video introduction to our 4 part report highlights a dangerous phenomena being reported around the globe.

These events are seldom covered by the media, and there are few movies dealing with these unique experiences. Yet, these paranormal wonders have captured the attention of tens of millions of people worldwide.

Saul and the Witch of Endor: The Controversy! There is a story in the Bible where a particular King of Israel called Saul had strayed in his relationship with God. As a result of constantly rebelling against the will of God he started to experience things going wrong in terms of his grip on the Kingdom he ruled. During his rule he had also despised Samuel, a prophet that was there to be the mouthpiece of God and provide spiritual advice and counsel to the King. But with Samuel now deceased and Saul’s troops surrounded by an enemy that was much bigger and powerful, Saul recognized that his reign as King was in serious jeopardy. Saul had experienced the might of Gods power previously so he knew that God existed and the ability for Israel to overcome was possibly, however God would not speak to him and there was no Samuel to advise him of what God recommended.

The story moves on in that Saul then decided to consult a witch (medium) that he hoped would be able to bring back the spirit of Samuel so that at least he could ask Samuel for his counsel. The Witch through her chanting and occult rituals was able to summon a spirit from the dead. The Spirit told Saul that he and his three sons would be slain the following day. The following day Saul’s sons were killed in battle and in despair Saul committed suicide.

Call a bible study at your house and throw open the question of whether the Spirit was really Samuel and you will have a heated debate for hours on end. Even though I Samuel 28:12 and 14 seem to confirm that the spirit was indeed Samuel this presents a paradox to some who feel that this could not have been Samuel but a demonic spirit. How could someone who is now deceased actually come back from the dead. There are many bible passages which seem to indicate that when someone dies there is no coming back in this life. But then there is nothing in this passage which indicates that the spirit was a lying spirit or a demon. In fact the Bible casually refers to the spirit as Samuel several times.

The uncomfortable nature of this interpretation is that it then puts into question the nature of whether people who have died can actually come back from the dead as roaming spirits. Does believing that this was Samuel then mean that there are such thing as Ghosts? This is a complex passage of scripture which it would be a discredit to try and casually provide reasons for an against, however the point I would like to make is that it is this passage of scripture which has fueled the belief that the apparitions of Mary are really the Virgin Mary. If Samuel can come back from the dead to provide a message then why cant Mary?

A catholic report a number of years ago showed that "Vatican approved" Marian apparitions are increasing. We say approved since in the mix are the obvious hoaxes and hallucinations which accompany any subject matter where spiritual experiences or the paranormal are concerned.

However when all the hoaxes, hallucinations and false flags are stripped away, the evidence is that Marian apparitions are increasing decade by decade. There are very few accounts of people having spiritual encounters with Jesus compared to the number of people claiming to have had a very real and personal face to face with the Virgin Mary.

Catholic writers especially those who believe in the prophecies of the Roman Catholic Church seem to believe that the increase in Marian apparitions is a sign of good.

But what should be the Christian response? Are we too quick to label everything that defies our logic or understanding as demonic? Could this really be Mary? Is it really up to us to judge when as humans we do not have a full revelation of everything that God knows and how God works? Not only do we quickly jump to the conclusion of demonic but we also are now throwing in the idea that Marian Apparitions could also be linked to the UFO phenomena? If Samuel could come back from the dead to provide warnings and prophecies then why not other biblical characters from the past?

The question of whether the Virgin Mary could come back from the dead as a spirit is not something we are going to argue about right now. There is a standard of doctrine that forms the foundation of our Christian faith but with that is also an in-built flexibility to know that God has the power to over ride what we consider the norms. As as an example, we know that Jesus is the only way to the Father and that one cannot get to heaven without making a personal decision to accept him as Lord and savior. However we also know that if a Baby or child dies before the age of accountability they are not going to Hell.

Therefore whilst the Bible is clear that when one dies and leaves their body the next step is the resurrection, we also know that God is sovereign and has the power for his glory to allow circumstances to sometimes happen which override what we define as the norm.

So the question we are addressing is not whether it is possible that…

Fatima and Marian Apparitions

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