Wednesday, March 26, 2014

[GET] Vert Shock - Shock Your Vertical Jump Today!

Okay, so I know this might sound far-fetched to you, and you’re probably pretty skeptical, but below I’m going to explain precisely how I, Adam Folker as well as Justin Darlington and so many of our athletes, have added between 9 and 15 inches to our vertical jumps – not in months, but within days and weeks.

So even if you’re short, un-athletic, tried every program and gimmick before, never dunked a ball in your life, are SUPER skeptical or already have a decent-sized jump, I’m about to show you 100% irrefutable proof that you too can add serious inches to your vertical.

When I was young I was NOT an athletic guy. In fact, I used to get made fun of for being the only guy on the team unable to touch the backboard.

You see, I played on my older brothers team and I was the only guy on the team that couldn’t dunk in warm-ups – despite being one of the tallest (embarrassing I know). But with hard work and dedication I became an NCAA Division 1 player and am now a professional basketball player.

…And a huge part of this transformation was becoming a more explosive player and being able to jump with guys taller than I am.

I started getting recognized by scouts and teams all over the world, I got sponsorship deals and I now have a huge fan base allowing me to travel and train people all over the world - along with the pro contact, money and female attention that comes along with it.

Justin Jus Fly Darlington winning the Nike World dunk contest with judges Diana Taurasi, Lebron James, Anthony Davis.

So obviously we are both INSANELY excited to share our hard-won, tried-and-tested ‘Vert Shock’ vertical jump secrets that have added over 32 inches to our hops between us.

Okay, so you’ve probably tried a bunch of those crazy gimmicks to improve your vertical jump, or at least seen them.

You know, like those crazy shoes, scammy ebooks, Air Alert, Strength Shoes, and various online programs. Most likely you were taken in by their slick marketing and big promises but are still not getting a higher vertical no matter what you try.

You see, even the most genetically gifted, most athletic players on earth won’t jump higher without the proper training program. What you need is a proven, step-by-step program, guidance and support based on hard science, years of undeniable proof and sound training principles.

But without this you’ll be left watching other guys get all the attention, effortlessly dunking over you while you spend your life reading e-books and doing boring, brutal exercises for weeks on end with no results.

Okay, so you’ve probably heard about the difference between fast and slow twitch muscle fibers, and that the key to a crazy-high vertical jump is to train your fast twitch fibers.

However, there is a little-known subset of your fast twitch fibers called Type II B fibers. These little guys contract DAMN fast and are one of the keys to creating your new, explosive jumps.

So instead of increasing your jump through overtraining like most jump training programs do (this not only doesn’t work but also causes serious injuries like patellar tendonitis), we use breakthrough exercises to laser-target these ‘super fibers’, exponentially increasing the inches you add to your jump each and every week with less work.

Vert Shock uses targeted explosive plyometric training to shock the central nervous system of the body into jumping higher. There are no heavy weight lifting exercises and it will not stunt your growth. Vert Shock is safe for all ages and experience levels.

You might have heard of Pareto’s Principle, or the 80-20 rule, right? Well that’s exactly what this program is all about. Sure it’s important to work hard, but when it comes to your vertical, you HAVE to work smart too!

This program is the result of decades of hard-won secrets that Justin and I have spent countless years, energy and money tracking down, meticulously testing, using in our game and teaching to other people.

We have tried every program on the market, hunted down vert jump geniuses for their wisdom, read hundreds of research papers, tried supplements, tested diets and even those shoe scams in the hopes of increasing our vertical jumps by even a single inch.

It was a painful, time-consuming, frustrating, and very expensive process to put it mildly but there’s no doubt we now have the precise formula you need to increase your vertical jump.

You won’t need to buy anything else, or even use your brain much. You literally just have to follow the program step-by-step and the results will come.

Everything is available online for you to use day or night, 24/7 any day of the year for the rest of your life. You will get instant access to all the videos, checklists, and forum so you can get started immediately with no extra equipment, stuff to buy, too much material to read or any technical junk to wade through.

In the first 7 days of the Vert Shock program your vertical jump will increase by 3 – 5 inches. This is called the ‘Pre-Shock’ phase and is designed to get your body ready for what’s to come.

Then you enter the ‘Shock’ phase which is 6 weeks long. This is the main part of the program and is where your nervous system is ‘shocked’ into leaping higher than all your friends thought possible.

And the final phase of the program is the ‘Post-Shock’ phase. This is a full week where everything your body ‘learned’ in the previous phases becomes cemented in your muscle memory.

So after 8 weeks and going through all 3 phases of the Vert Shock Program you will…

Vert Shock - Shock Your Vertical Jump Today!

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